Green Day Vs Bush

why do you hate him so much?


After the guys had calmed down, or more particularly, after my parents had come home, I went back to my room. I needed to talk to Freddy again. He'd sounded really excited, and I wondered why. Obviously, we had been working together on this for months, and it had finally paid off, but I'd always wondered why he was so keen. I just did it coz he was my friend, and I wanted to help him, but I knew he had stayed up long into the night planning and researching. But why? That's what I needed to know. I listened nervously to the ringing on the other end, and eventually he picked up. "Hello, Agent Carter speaking."
"Hello Freddy."
"Oh, hi Sadie, what's up?"
"Nothing much, just wanted to chat, your not busy are you?"
"Nah, I got the rest of the day off."
"Listen, there's something I need to ask you."
"What's that?"
"Well, how come you were so keen on the Bush investigation, how come you were so desperate to take charge of anything to do with him?" I was nervous now, he might think I was being nosy and hang up.
"That's my business Sadie, not yours," he replied, his voice had a note of anger. I was playing with fire a bit here, but I needed to know.
"Freddy, we've been friends now for eight years, since we were kids, you should know you can tell me anything."
"You're right of course, but I've never told anyone. You're my best friend, I should tell you." I heard him sigh. "Okay. You remember the Iraq war, right?"
"Yeah, course."
"Well, my dad fought in it. But we never saw him again. He was one of the unlucky ones. Weeks we waited for news, WEEKS, and they eventually told us he was missing in action, presumed dead. My whole family hates Bush, because it was his fault my dad was killed." I could hear him sobbing, this was tough for him to talk about. I wanted to hug him, Freddy had been like a brother to me for years, we'd shared everything. Well, obviously not everything. "Oh God, I had no idea. If I had known I..."
"No, its okay, you know now."
"Well, I gotta go, my mom's calling me."
"Okay, bye."
I put down the phone. So that explains it. He wanted to kill Bush because Bush had, indirectly, killed his father. I could understand that. He would never get over it, but perhaps this would help. But I knew Freddy, he would want personal revenge. He would want to do this himself. And problem was, The Council had put him in charge, so he could. I think that worried me more than anything.