Green Day Vs Bush

'she didnt notice the black clad figure behind her

Adrienne was plonked in front of the TV with Joey and Jakob, watching the news. "And today's top story, 3 influential musicians went missing last night. Billie Joe Armstrong, Mike Dirnt and Tre
Cool vanished from their tour bus right under the noses of security. Police are baffled, and no witnesses have come forward, but they hope to recover the band members very soon." Adrienne's face was a picture of shock. Billie missing? How was this possible? She was so engrossed in the news story that she didn't notice the black clad figure behind her until it was too late...

BEEPBEEPBEEPBEEP. The communicator stuffed under my pillow went off suddenly. "Woah!" I yelled as I rolled over and fell out of bed. I grabbed the beeping object and answered the call. "Hello? Agent Scott here."
"Ahh, Agent Scott." said a voice I didn't recognise, "I believe you have someone of importance holed up in your attic, can you put him on the phone." It wasn't a question .
"Um, okay, hang on." I replied, leaving my room and heading for the attic. I pulled the ladder down and climbed up. Billie was snoring in the corner. I crossed and shook him gently.
"Wha... What the.." He started.
"Shhhh," I said, "Phone for you" I handed it to him.

"Hello?" I didn't know who this was or how they knew I was here, and it worried me.
"Hello Mr. Armstrong,"
"Who are you and how did you know I was here?" I snapped. No one I knew called me Mr. Armstrong, unless something really bad had happened.
"Who I am is not important, what is important is that I have something very important to you here... " He must have held up the phone because I heard a woman's voice yelling. I couldn't work out what she was saying, but I would know that voice anywhere. "Adie," I breathed in horror. "You bastard, where is she?"
"Don't worry Mr. Armstrong, she and the boys will not be harmed, if you are compliant."
"What do you want from me?"
"I want you."
"What do I have to do? Hello? HELLO?!" He'd hung up. That bastard's got my wife and kids and he hung up on me.

Billie looked so helpless. I hadn't heard the conversation, but it obviously had something to do with his family. "Billie? What did he say to you? What is it?"
"They, they, oh god, Sadie, they've got my family!"
I sat in stunned silence for several minutes. This was terrible. I'd heard about this kind of stuff in training. They would use the family to bargain for the one they wanted. In this case, Billie. "Oh god, Billie, I'm so sorry." I said, "I should have thought of this."

"Apologising wont make a difference, besides, its not your fault." I looked into his normally bright eyes and saw the tears blossoming in them. The look on his face was one of total despair and hopelessness. I decided at that point that I would personally see to it that Adie, Joey and Jakob were found and returned to safety. I told Billie this. He said nothing, but I could see a glimmer of hope in his eyes.