Green Day Vs Bush

'but what if it was a premonition?'

BEEPBEEPBEEPBEEP! My communicator beeped furiously, waking me up. I looked at the screen, it was Sadie. "Helloooooo," I said
"Hannie! I hope I didn't wake you up, but this is important" I heard her say
"Oh, no, its only 2 in the morning, I'm always up at this time." I drawled sarcastically
"Sorry, but its an emergency."
"What happened?"
"Billie's wife and kids have been abducted. Some guy called us, they want to trade."
"You can't let them have Billie, our job is to protect the guys, that's it."
"But they'll kill them if we don't!"
"Who's more important, the target or their family? Listen, don't go after them yourself, call HQ and let them know. How did they even know we had them?"
"How am I suppose to know? Bush obviously found us. This will definitely get that assassination order through, we cant have him telling everyone can we?"
"Yeah, see ya." I said, hanging up. Problem was, Sadie was very practical, she liked to do things herself. She would probably beg the guys at HQ to let her go after Bush herself. I just hoped they wouldn't let her, people got killed in this job.

We were in our dressing room for a concert. It was great being back where we belonged, doing what we loved. It was business as usual, everyone warming up, getting ready for the show. Eventually it was time. We ran out on stage, to roars from the crowd. They loved us already, and we hadn't even done anything yet! Billie slammed into American Idiot, ah, this was how it was meant to be! Suddenly a gunshot rang out from the crowd. I heard Billie scream in pain, and saw him fall to the ground. I ran over and knelt beside him. I heard a click by my head, turned, and found myself staring down the barrel of a gun. I saw the guys finger on the trigger, and-
I snapped bolt upright in the dark, dripping with sweat and trembling with fear. I looked around. Phew! It was just a dream, Billie's fine, yeah. Bloody hell that was scary. But what if it was a premonition? No, Mike, don't think like that, its not going to happen.

My communicator started beeping again. I picked up, seeing that it was HQ. "Agent Scott here, what's the situation?" I said
"Agent Scott, it's Agent Carter."
"Oh, hi Freddy" Agent Carter was one of my closest friends, apart from Hannie and Kirsty
"Yeah, hi Sadie. Listen, I've been put in charge of the abduction case, with Mrs Armstrong and her kids, and I just wanted to let you know that we have made progress."
"Really? What have you done?"
"We think we know where they are. I'm preparing an infiltration team to go and retrieve them."
"Great! I'll tell Billie."
"Yeah, good idea. I read his file, don't leave him too long for gods sake."
"I know, don't worry."
"Okay, I'll keep you informed."
"Thanks Freddy!" I hung up. I ran to the attic as fast as I could, bolting up the stairs and heading inside. Billie was sat in the middle of the floor, hugging his knees and looking completely hopeless. I really felt sorry for him, and hoped that the news I had would make him feel better. "Billie?" I said, approaching him. He sighed. "What?"
"I have news about Adie and the kids." He sighed again "We know where they are, and the boys at HQ are preparing a team to go and get them. They're gonna be fine." He didn't move. I would've thought he'd be happy, but he didn't seem to care. Then he sighed. "How can I believe you? You could just be lying to me to make me happy." I was shocked, how could he think that?
"I wouldn't lie about this kind of thing, I'm not that kind of person."
"I don't know that. Besides, Adie will probably think this is all my fault. Bush is after me, and she got caught up in it. Its my fault. I should just give myself up." I couldn't believe my ears. He was so negative, after the good news I had just given him. He may want to give himself up, but it wouldn't make a difference. "Not on my watch you won't. It wouldn't make a difference. These people are ruthless. If you give up, they'll kill you, and Adie and the kids will die anyway. Besides, what about Mike and Tre?" He sighed again. "God, don't be so negative, just stay here, let the professionals help Adie. Its gonna be fine, have faith in me, I'm trying to help."
"How do I know who I can trust anymore? I trusted the government, and now they're trying to kill me."
"Liar! You never trusted Bush! You were always going on about how he should never be in office and how we shouldn't trust him."
"Oh, good point."
"So, trust me?" He smiled and unfolded himself, standing up.
"Well, I cant trust anyone else can I?" I opened my arms, embracing him in a tight hug. "So, how do your lot plan to get my family back?"
"Good question." I said. His smile faded into a worried frown. "Don't worry," I said quickly "I'm not in charge of the operation, but the guy who is a good friend of mine. He assures me that they have a plan."
"Guess I believe you." he said, sitting down again.