Green Day Vs Bush

'someone you care about is in danger'


The WLOS retrieval team crept round the side of the building. Their leader peered in through a window. There were 3 people in there, a woman and 2 children. This must be the people we're here to get, he thought. He signalled to the other 2 members of the group. One of them pulled out a glass cutter, carefully removing the window. The woman looked round, startled. She looked like she was about to yell, but the team leader spoke.

"It's okay miss, we're here to help you." he said, untying her and the children, two boys. They followed the retrieval team to the window, climbing out and running to a waiting 4X4.
"Thank you, but how did you know we were here?" she asked. The team leaders expression darkened.
"Thats not for you to know, but we have a message for you." he replied.
"Whats that?" she asked.
"Someone you care about is in danger." he told her all about the threat to Billie, Mike and Tre, watching her face go pale.


Oh no! Not Billie! I was panicking now. What if Bush got him? What would I do then? He was my husband, okay, he was hardly ever around anyway, but when he was were the best times of my life, and when he wasn't, I knew he was out there thinking of me. I always felt like the luckiest woman alive when he was with me.
Maybe absence makes the heart grow fonder, but he always seemed to be right there whenever I needed him.

"Don't worry though Mrs. Armstrong, your husband is currently at a safehouse in England, that's where we're going to take you." I heard the guy that had been informing me explain. I relaxed a bit at that, but I was still scared. I couldn't understand it, why Billie? There were plenty of other people that Bush would want dead, so why did it have to be my husband and his friends? I sat quietly, hugging the boys until I fell asleep.


BEEPBEEPBEEP. Sadie's communicator thing beeped again, dam that's annoying. She answered it and I watched as a huge grin spread across her face. "Thanks Freddy, that's fantastic." she said. She put the communicator down, turning to me. "Great news Billie, they've got them."
"Really?" I asked, not quite daring to believe the news,
"Yes, really. The boys got them and they're gonna bring them here soon."
"How soon is soon?"
"One of our adult members live close by, they are waiting for my parents to go out. My parents know nothing about this, and I intend to keep it that way."
"I can understand that, I wouldn't let my kids get involved in something like this."
"Exactly, that's why they can never know you're here."
"They won't, don't worry." She smiled gratefully
"Thanks Billie." I meant it too.

Okay, she had kidnapped me and was keeping me prisoner in her attic, but she was being incredibly nice about the whole thing and at least she had explained the situation. Besides, she was obviously a fan, and I liked her. She'd been really helpful. She could have just let those bastards kill Adie and the boys, but no, she got right on the phone to her friends and made sure they were gotten to safety.

Just then there was a shout from downstairs. "Sadie! We're going out, we'll be back in about an hour." my heart leapt at this, I was going to see Adie again.
" 'Kay, bye mom." she called. Then she picked up her communicator thing. "Hello, yeah, they're going, you've got an hour Russel, it shouldn't take that long, no, don't worry, he's expecting them, okay, go, bye."

5 minutes later, I heard a doorbell ring downstairs. Sadie ran downstairs and answered the door. I heard a muffled conversation, then footsteps coming up the stairs. "DADDY!" Yelled the boys as the ran towards me. I caught them as they dashed towards me, hugging them tightly.

"Hey boys, I'm so glad to see you again." I said, spotting Adie standing at the top of the ladder, and Sadie pulling the ladder up. "Hey hon, missed me?" I said, smiling and standing up. "Do they know?" I asked, hoping they didn't.
"Well," she began, looking uncomfortable. "I'm sorry Billie, I thought they were asleep when I let the guy tell me, but yesterday they told me that they'd heard."
"How did they take it?"
"They were a bit scared, but I don't think they really understand. I do though, oh god I hope this kid knows what she's doing." Adie was close to tears now.

I saw Sadie standing looking uncomfortable. She came over and put her hand on Adie's shoulder.
"Don't worry Mrs Armstrong, I've had to do this before, I am more than capable of protecting you." Adie smiled, but I could tell she was still worried. I saw Joey sidle up to her and poke her. Sadie turned round and saw him. I smiled, Joey knew a pretty girl when he saw one. I heard him mumble something and she beckoned him off to the other end of the attic.