Green Day Vs Bush

'man that was a bad dream'

Its great to see dad again, but I needed to know the truth about this. I could tell I could trust this girl, after all, she had taken the trouble to keep dad safe, and get us rescued. I needed to know if that Bush asshole really was after dad, and if we were safe here. I followed her around a stack of boxes and we sat down on the other side. "So, Joey, what's bugging you?" She asked, concern gleaming in her eyes.
"Well, how safe are we here? How are you gonna keep it that way? How long are we gonna have to stay here?" I had a lot of other questions, but I kept them to myself
"Put it this way, you're a whole lot safer here than you are at home, If I can keep your location a secret, you're safe, and you will have to stay here until we've taken care of Bush, and at this rate, that could be a while." She said, sighing. I think she had already answered all these questions for dad, and was getting a bit tired of explaining it. I looked into her hazel eyes, and saw my own green ones reflected in them. I knew at that moment that i could trust her, that she would keep us safe, that everything was gonna be okay.

I woke up in the dark, sweating. Man that was a bad dream. God I hoped it was a dream. Frankito and Ramona mean everything to me, if they were hurt... No, everything was gonna be fine. They were at their moms house, they were gonna be fine. Besides, Bush wanted me and the guys, why would he go for my kids? Suddenly the communicator that that girl had left in here went off. I answered it, figuring it could be important. "yellloooooo?" i said
"Hannie?" i heard a girls voice on the other end of the phone
"No, Tre,"
"oh, is Hannie there?"
"Na, i think shes asleep, can i take a message?"
"oh, okay, can you tell her that Adie and the boys are fine, we got them back."
"got them back? what happened?"
"well," she hesitated "they sorta got kidnapped, but they're fine now." maybe it was a good thing i couldnt see my face, coz i must have looked like I'd seen a ghost.
"hey, Tre u still there?" she asked
"what, oh yeah, sorry."
"somethings worrying you, i can tell."
"its nothing, just a dream i had."
"tell me about it."
"well, i was sat here and i got a phone call from some freak who said Bush had my kids and they were gonna kill them if i didnt turn myself in or i told anyone, then i got this call from you and it just freaked me out a bit."
"Dont worry Tre." I could almost hear her smile. "After what happened to Adie and the boys, we have people keeping an eye on your family, and Mike's too. No one gets near Ramona, Frankito or their moms."
"You promise?" oh god, I sound like a little kid.
"I promise. Now I gotta go, I gotta feed Billie." She hung up. I smiled to myself. She had taken care of it. Ramona and Frankito mean everything to me, I mean, they're my kids, whatdaya expect? I was just glad they were gonna be okay.

The assassin snuck around the house. God knows how his superiors had found out the target was here, but quite frankly he didn't care. All he knew was he had a job to do, and he would do it without hesitation. He didn't know what this guy had done to deserve it, or even who he was, but who was he to question orders? He arrived at the shed and sighed in annoyance. 7 locks on the door, probably alarmed. He would have to do this quickly, or he'd be caught.