Green Day Vs Bush

'we can get someone to deal with HIM'

What was that noise? It sounded like... no way. Someone was outside. There it was again, a sort of pinging noise. The door rattled, and I suddenly realised. Shit! Someone was trying to get in. I bolted the door, like Hannie had taught me. I heard another ping, and another, and another. Then there was a thud and the door shook. I heard someone muttering outside, and they hit the door again. In the darkness I could see the hinges shaking, the door was going to give any second. I looked round the shed, diving behind the only shelter available, Hannie's drum kit. I heard the door finally give, and saw someone walk in. He towered over me, looking around. In the darkness I could just see the moonlight glinting off the barrel of a gun. Oh shit! I'm gonna die! I saw him walk towards my hiding place, towering over me. Suddenly there was a yell from outside, and a bang. I saw the guy crumple and fall, and Hannie entered, a smoking gun in her hand. She spotted me hiding behind the drums and smiled. "You can come out now Tre." she said. I stood up quickly, embarrassed. She must've seen me trembling, because she put her arms round me, hugging me close. It felt so good, if only I could just... no Tre, I slapped myself mentally. I may have a reputation as a pervert, but even I'm not that shallow. She's only 15, but she's beautiful. Why couldn't I get abducted by some hideous old crone who I wouldn't be attracted to in a million years? I pulled away, looking at the body on the floor. Hannie looked down at him too. She must have guessed what I was thinking. "Don't worry Tre, I can get someone out here to deal with him. In the meantime, you can stay in my room." she said. Whoa SHIT! That's not fair! I mean, COME ON! How much control does God think I have?! "Um, err, actually Hannie, I'll be okay out here." I said
"No you wont, even I wouldn't spend an hour or 2 alone in the dark with a dead body, and I've been trained to deal with this kinda thing. C'mon, don't be silly Tre."
"But what if your parents find me? They'll freak! I know for a fact that parents don't appreciate finding strange guys in their daughter's room. My daughter brings home guys sometimes, and doesn't tell me, and I get pretty pissed off at her. Imagine if it was a 34 year old dude with a pervy reputation."
"Tre! Its 3 in the morning, they wont find you, and I trust you, besides, I wouldn't let you in my bed if you paid me." I smiled. Hannie may look like a typical blonde, but she could take care of herself. She grabbed my arm and led me to her room.