Green Day Vs Bush


BEPBEEPBEEPBEEP. The communicator went off under my pillow. I woke with a start, rolling over. "WAAA, SHIT!" I yelled as I fell out of bed. I sat up and grabbed the beeping thing. "Hello?" I said dozily.
"Hey Sadie, its Hannie. I didn't wake you up did I!?" The voice on the other end said.
"Oh no Hannie," I drawled sarcastically, "I'm always up and raring to go at 4 in the morning."
"Sorry Sadie, but this is important. We had a little visitor," That woke me up.
"WHAT?! Is Tre okay?"
"Don't worry Sadie, he's fine. The security I installed worked."
"Oh thank God!"
"And you said it was a waste of WLOS money," Hannie gloated, she could never resist a chance to gloat.
"No, the finance guy said it was a waste of money. Anyhoo, where's Tre now?"
"He's here, in my room."
"WHAT?! You let him in your ROOM?!" If I got anymore bad news I was going to have a heart attack. "Hannie, your dad keeps a gun in his closet, what do you think he'll do if he finds Tre?"
"Damn, didn't think about that," there was a pause, "The Disposal guys are here, don't worry, he'll be back in the shed soon."
"Okay, you go sort that."
"Kay, bye boss," She hung up. Damn, I hate it when she calls me boss. Just because I was the most senior WLOS agent in the team, I was automatically the leader. It's all bullshit anyway, Kirsty has better leadership skills than me.

I headed out to the shed. What Sadie had just told me had freaked me out. I opened the door and went inside. "Mike?" I called. No answer. "MIKE?" I listened hard. I heard something moving and a voice. "Wha... what did you wake me up for?" Mike yelled back. I sighed in relief, he sounded fine.
"It's nothing," I said.
"No, something's up, or you wouldn't come out here," Oh yeah, forgot, Mike was the clever one.
"Tre just had a little visitor, that's all."
"WHAT?! Is he okay?"
"Don't worry, he's fine. Hannie saved him."
"Thank God. Don't scare me like that girl!"
"Don't worry Mike, I wont."
"... "
"Mike?" I peered at him through the darkness, and saw that he'd fallen asleep.