Green Day Vs Bush

“Well then, We are all listening.”

I marched down the corridor, the dark oak doors of the Conference Room ahead of me. They weren't supposed to be interrupted, but this was important. They needed to sign the order, all of them. They called themselves the Shadow UN, but the general public called them... well... nothing. They were completely secret, except to themselves of course. They ran things here. Anyone wanted something done, it had to go through them first, unless it was an emergency or not that important.

I knocked on the door nervously. It creaked open to reveal the aged old secretary. "Yes?" she asked. Is it just me, or are all secretaries old? Oh well. "I need something passed, it's a matter of urgency."
"Well then, I will inform the council that you are here. You know the procedure." She stalked off through the big double doors at the back of the office. After about 5 minutes, she returned. "Okay, they will see you now. She led me through.

The Conference Room was huge, painted white with seats all around the walls. Most of them were filled, this place was just like the UN, representatives came from all over the world, and now I had to talk to them. "We are told you have a case to present."
"Well then, we are all listening."

I presented the case, told them about the recent attack on Mr Armstrong's family, about the attempt on Tre's life, the general damage Bush had done. The Council listened intently, I knew they disliked Bush anyway, but they couldn't get rid of him without a good excuse. This was gold as far as they were concerned. Eventually I finished. The secretary came in and led me out. I heard voices from inside, as they debated. They would vote on it, I knew, but I wouldn't be told the result. I hoped bitterly it would go through. Bush deserved it for what he had done. There was a more personal reason I hated him, but no one outside my family knew that.