Status: Status: slow

Just Friends Is All I Want To Be ... I Think

Nina is off on tour with her friends for the first time since she met them. Becca is along with her and she and Joe are doing pretty well on their relationship. Nick and Nina, their friendship hasnt gotten any stronger. She and Josh are still together and keep in contact. Secretly, Nick hates that. As much as he tries to deny it, he still has very strong feelings for her. When she put on the ring, her even putting it on made him happy but still told her it was no big thing. But to Nick, it means he still may have a chance of winning her back... From what happened he knew she always forgives him.
  1. Intro
  2. Chapter 1
    Yay! first chapter out!
  3. Chapter 2
    This is what i get for wanting to fill my empty stomach.
  4. Chapter 3
    My dirty little secret.
  5. Chapter 4
    Five more days
  6. Chapter 5
    Five days past...
  7. Chapter 6
    We need to talk
  8. Chapter 7
    Check out the link in the authors note!!
  9. Chapter 8
    The kiss in front of many