Status: Completed

The Perfect Day

The Perfect Day

"Will you two shut up?" Mikey yelled to me and Gerard because we'd been arguing for the past 15 minutes. But, I not just going to give up now and let him win. You know that's what he wants and I'm not going to back down.

"NO!" We shouted in unison and instantly went back into argument mode- He shouldn't have eaten the last biscuit.

"You so had the biscuit, just own up already"

"Well, you know I would own up. Only I didn't eat it!" Gerard slumped onto the sofa and sulked, like a girl might I add.

"You're such a girl" And with that I joined him on the sofa. "What's on the TV, mike?"

Mikey looked up from his book and I swear his glare could have burned through metal, "Don't call me that"

"Why not, mike?"

"One it's not my name. Two it's the worst nickname that you could give me. And three, I don't like it. It makes me feel old and I should own a mechanics store!" He then carried on reading his book, about something which I can't remember.

"Well I can't argue with that dear brother. Fair enough"

"You can call me Mikey"

"Oh thanks. That makes me feel so special" I rolled my eyes and got up. I needed to talk to someone. I knew just the person.

"... 45..93..dial"

"Hello? Iero residence. The one and only sexy Frank here"

"Oh I don't feel worthy to talk to you, oh sexy one"

"No, you're alright. I pardon you."

"Frank you're such a freak"

"Well you're the one that phoned me" I could just imagine the smug look he'd have on his beautiful face.

"So! ... anyway. Come over?"

"Yeah sure. I was coming over anyway. Two minutes."

"So, see you in ten?"

"You know me too well."

I laughed a bit too loud. "Frank sometimes I wonder about you"

"Wondering how amazing I am? How it's possible that I am 5 foot 4 of pure coolness?"

"Yeah sure. What you said"

"Oh you make me laugh, Han. You kno-"


"FINE!. Love you!"

"Hmm. The feelings mutual"

"Sarky" And with that he put down the phone.

"Yeah, bye!" I shouted to myself- he's so getting a wedgie when he gets here. He might be taller than me, but heck I can give that boy a wedgie.

I ran into the living room and told the siblings Frank was coming around and then sprinted to my room to get ready because no doubt we'll end up going outside somewhere and Frank won't leave me alone to get changed. That boy is going to be the death of me one day. I can feel it.

Isn't it weird the amount of thinking you can get done while you put on clothes. I have come to the conclusion that I'm in love with Frank and he's quite possibly the coolest guy ever. Apart from my brothers because I'm obliged by law to say that. And I've not even put on my trousers yet!

I guess I always liked him. Ever since the hormones kicked in. He's always makes me laugh and smile even when I'm angry or upset. As cliche as this is, he won't like me back. It's just how it works, hence it being cliche.

"I got your picture I'm coming with you Dear Maria coun-"


"Ding Dong"

"I'll be right down."

Fixing my hair in the mirror I ran down the stairs to let Frank in. I opened the door to see him in his usual band t-shirt and jeans, basically perfect. "Hey" I must have looked so goofy with a stupid schoolgirl crush smile on my face. But, I really can't help it. It's been happening for the past few days. I just hope Frank hasn't noticed it.

"Hi buttmunch, yeah I went there before you say. Come with me I want to show you somewhere I found." Frank took my hand and pulled me to his, or should I say his Mom's, car.

"Where are we going Frank?"

"You'll see, it's amazing." Giving me the classic Iero grin I gave in and jumped in the car. Frank followed suite and turned up The Misfits as we started to pull out of the drive.

The ride to the beach, yeah the beach, was a fairly quiet one if you don't count the music. Which was quite strange for us. We normally can't shut up always laughing and joking about something, or in most cases nothing. But at least it's fun.

"Erm, Frank?"

"Yeah?" He whispered to me as we were walking towards some rocks in the side of the beach.

"No offense or anything. But, why are we at the beach?"

"Because." He started to run ahead of me like a little kid running to catch up with the ice cream van. Reluctantly, I started running after him. After about three or four minutes we reached the rocks and I gently sat down next to Frank, who in turn pulled me close as we sat there in the cool evening breeze that always came from the sea.

"So, will you tell me now?" I asked looking up to his hazel eyes.

"Yeah. Well, I found this rock." He pulled out a heart shaped rock from his pocket which he'd attached to a necklace, at least I think that's what it is.

"Wow! Frank. That's even more amazing than that Potato Chip I found that looked like a sheep. Or a cloud as pessimist Gerard pointed out."

"Well, I didn't exactly find it. I made it." I looked at him confused as he carried on to explain. "I was sat up here a couple of hours ago and I was thinking about you. How amazing you are. How you know what I'm thinking all of the time. How you can make me smile even when my day isn't going too well. How breathtakingly beautiful you are." He moved a loose strand of hair from my eyes that had moved in the wind and continued, "And I guess I'm trying to say I love you. And I thought this would be the best way to tell you because if you don't feel the same I'm already in my thinking place." He laughed nervously and I have to say that's the first time in my life I've ever been speechless.

"Frank. I don't know what to say." He looked disappointed and looked away.

"Yeah, I understand. I mean why would love me? I'm so stupid."

"No you're not. Not one little bit. Look at me. It took me by surprise those were the most beautiful things that anyone has ever said to me. Please look at me."

He slowly turned back around and placed the necklace around my neck. He looked pleased with the way it looked "Perfect"

"Yeah you are" I smiled up at him.

"That was so cheesy Han!"

"Yeah well I like cheese!"

We laughed like maniacs until like a classic movie the scene turned serious as Frank leaned in to kiss me. I thought I was going to faint but it was the perfect kiss, from the perfect man.

We pulled away from each other, smiling like idiots as I rested my forehead on Frank's. "I love you too"

"I kind of guessed"

"Smarty pants!"

"Your smarty pants?"

"I wouldn't have it any other way."

And we kissed again, is it possible it was even more magical than the first. Two teenagers in love, what a sight for sore eyes. We parted and I rested my head on his chest as he protected me from the breeze. It really was the perfect day.
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My first one-shot. Don't hurt me.. What do you think? Comments would be highly apprieciated. Han X