
Fangtasia on my Mind

Going to Fangtasia was the last thing she wanted to do, but it had to be done. Seeing the glowing colors irritated her, her head was aching from all the pink and red auras around her. Wearing jeans and a leather top with wavy black hair and light make-up to fit the environment, carrying none of her weapons and went inside to find her cousin. She was stopped by a female vampire who was eyeing her too much for her own comfort.

“I.D?” Pam asked in a dull tone.

“Oh yeah, here,” she replied giving her regular I.D. she had two, her real I.D had a mark to show she was a slayer and having that giving out to go into a vampire bar was the last thing she wanted happened. Pam scanned it briefly then looked at her, “Go in,” she told her simply.
Wow that was easy, she thought walking inside. If the auras outside were bad, it was nothing compared to inside. She had to put on her shades to block them out, making her look stupid but she didn’t want her eyes burnt out.
Alright, just act natural. She has to be here somewhere, She thought to herself walking through the crowd. She finally found the bleach blonde cousin of hers on the lap of some Spanish looking vampire. Taking her shades off she stormed right to them, yanking her off him.

“Maggie Artemis Theron I am shocked at you! Prancing around this place acting like a piece of meat! Your mama is going to beat you till next year! Come on,” she told her dragging her.

“You’re not the boss of me Lilith!” Maggie yelled at her.

“Oh yeah?” she asked standing in the middle of the room with her wanting so desperately to just leave her here so she’ll learn the hard way. “Well your mama is saying otherwise so I’m telling you one last time, go to the fucking car!” Maggie was not one to take orders from anyone, especially Lilith. But in this case she just got worse than usual, and it was scaring the shit out of her.

“Maggie, I’m not telling you again, you and I are leaving right now,” Lilith said through clenched teeth. The vampire stood behind Maggie with his fangs extended.

“You will release her right now,” he said in a thick Spanish accent.

“Look Don Juan, I have no time for you or any of this shit,” Lilith snapped at him, she was about to say more but the look on his face told her to stop. She didn’t have to be told who was behind her; she could feel it by the little space between them. She slowly turned seeing the six foot something vampire blond looking down at her.

“And just why are you in my bar?” Eric asked with a raised eyebrow.

Sookie couldn’t sleep, the dreams she had been having were keeping her up, she didn’t remember the last time she had a good night’s sleep. Driving to Lilith’s house, she drove up her dirt rode to see her car was gone.

“That’s odd,” she said to herself, she got out of the car to her porch. The lights were on but where was Lilith? She noticed a note on the front door, riping it off the door and read it:

Off to Fangtasia, don’t stop me.

Sookie began freaking out, Lilith had done lost her mind and went to Fangtasia to kill Eric! Racing to her car she slammed on the gas and began driving like a madwoman for an hour drive.

“I’m not in the mood for you Northman,” Lilith sneered, still holding onto Maggie’s arm.

“But you are in my territory Amazon,” he replied. “So I have every right who and what comes into my territory.”

“Well aren’t we the Alpha,” Lilith replied sarcastically. She had to put her shades back on by the sheer presence of Eric’s aura, it was so bold and bright it was killing her eyes. She saw Pam come to stand by his side in case something got hostel with a smirk on her face.

“Nice seeing you again Lilith,” Pam said with an amused tone.

“You knew it was me at the door,” Lilith pointed out.

“Yes but it has been a while since I saw you, and you changed so much,” Pam replied. Eric didn’t say another word, he just stared at Lilith, it was honestly making her uncomfortable.

“Are we done here?” Lilith said, “Cause I gotta get her back home.”

“No you are not Lilith!” Maggie yelled, finally letting go of her grasp and went into the man’s arms. “I’m staying here with Antonio.” Lilith looked over at Maggie with a sharp face, if she had the power she would kill her.

“Fine,” she said, “I’ll just tell Aunt Janis to get you. I am not doing any babysitting!”

“Neither am I,” Eric voice broke through, “Antonio, will you kindly take your human somewhere else?”

“Yes Sheriff,” he replied. Lilith watched them leave getting more irritated than before, she felt defeated. She turned sharply at the duo with angry eyes and a clenched jaw.

“I’m leaving too,” Lilith replied turning to leave.

“I’m not finished with you,” Eric stated in his authority voice, she hated that fucking voice. Lilith slowly turned around and looked at him, what could he possibly want?

“Come sit with me,” Eric ordered moving his finger in a come hither motion. Lilith was becoming more livid than before, no body, especially him, told her what to do! But she followed anyway, just to know what he wanted then leave. Sitting down in a chair to the left of him, she sat there being very uncomfortable. He leaned toward her, staring her like he was studying her, he should know better than to come close to her face.

She slammed onto the chair, facing a rather large man with blonde hair that went to his shoulders. He sat there looking at file papers, then looked up at her.
“Do you know why you are here?” he asked. Lilith didn’t say a word, they had this kind of conversation before. At first it was ‘I have no idea please let me go’ to ‘yes I killed that vampire but he was going to attack me!’ then ‘I told you all I know why are you keeping me here?’ Lilith said all there was to say, now she wasn’t going to say anymore. Eric got up and turned her chair so he was facing her much closer.
“You must talk,” he told her. “I can not know things if you do not say anything.” Lilith looked up at him with her eyes without moving her head for a while, suddenly she quickly moved spitting right square on his face. Pam’s eyes went wide at the sudden event, she was getting hopeful she was going to have her snack! Eric just wiped the spit with a handkerchief then looked back her without showing a hint of emotion.
“Take her back,” he said simply and went back to his desk to look at the papers again.

“Can you back up please?” Lilith asked, not looking at him. “You’re invading my personal space.”

“Well you’re in mine,” he replied not moving away. “Give me a reason why I don’t just throw you in the basement?”

“Because I’ll just escape again right under your nose,” she replied.

“Things have changed,” he informed. “I’m more aware.”

“So am I,” she said finally looking back at him. Pam walked up to his throne and told him in Swedish that Sookie was here. Suddenly his face lit up with a grin on his face.

“Please tell Ms. Stackhouse to come up and sit with us,” he told Pam. She nodded walking off to fetch Sookie. Lilith looked at him them back at where Pam walked off; she did not like him with Sookie at all.

“How do you know her Northman?” she asked with a tone.

“Let’s just say you and her have a lot in common,” he told her with a smile. Sookie and Pam walked up; she looked at Lilith relieved she was still alright.

“What do I get the pleasure of having your presence Sookie?” he asked.

“I’m not here for you, I’m here for Lilith,” Sookie sharply replied. Lilith sighed of relief; she was going to get out of here.

“Well can I get have some time to enjoy your company?” he asked.

“No Eric, come on Lil,” Sookie replied getting her hand and went to walk. Eric didn’t stop her; he was looked at the two girls walking out of the club.

“Don’t you hate seeing them go?” Pam asked.

“Yes, but I love watching them leave,” Eric replied getting an eye roll from Pam in return.

“Maggie is a grown girl she’s going to do whatever she likes,” Sookie told her as they walked back to Lilith’s house.

“Yeah but she is still family!” Lilith told her opening the door and got a warm welcome from Xena. “She shouldn’t be there.”

“Why did you sit with Eric? I thought you hated him” Sookie asked changing the subject. Lilith stopped midway through her den to go to her kitchen. She looked back at Sookie with no hint of emotion; it was like it was wiped clear off her face.

“He made me,” she quickly replied without stressing anymore. Sookie nodded not wanting to press it anymore, she was glad she got her home without her hurting anyone.

Sam stared into the serving window as Lilith slaved over some food. It wasn’t that busy and he told her that a thousand times but she was determined to make something right and the best. She was a stubborn thing, she cussed like a sailor when she got angry, and almost stabbed a man one night by breaking a pool stick in tool and slammed him on the table with it close to his heart. The guy had it coming; he did call her a dyke bitch. Sam just couldn’t believe that he has a vampire slayer for a cook, one that was quick and unafraid of anything even risking her job. He finally got it; his Buffy finally came to town.

“Sam!” Tara yelled shaking him out of his thoughts.

“Yeah! I’m coming,” he said walking away from the serving table. Lilith was chopping up the cabbage like it was a competition when Lafayette came in looking tired.

“Baby, the cabbage isn’t going anywhere,” he told her. She finally stopped wiping the small sweat from her brow.

“I do that whenever I’m stressed,” she said turning over to see him. “What did you do last night and what was his name?” she asked grinning.

“Cute bitch, I had to do business,” he told her putting his apron on.

“Why do you do that kind of job?” she asked, she knew he was selling V and it bothered her. She liked him; she didn’t want what happened to her happen to him too.

“You wouldn’t believe me,” he told her not wanting to press it any further. She just nodded and went back to chop the cabbage when she suddenly yelled holding her hand.

“Mother fucker!” Lafayette turned seeing her in pain.

“I told you to slow down!” he told her walking to check on it but she stopped him.

“I’m ok, I promise,” she said holding her bleeding hand from behind her back. He looked at her then walked off, telling her to wrap that up. What he didn’t know was from behind her back her cut hand was healing all by itself.

Sookie was folding clothes in her living room watching the vampire channel for kicks. She was having a pretty peaceful night; she got a night off to relax from working too hard. She was listening to the Vampire’s Most Wanted List but not fully paying attention; she just hummed to herself a tune that she heard the other day.

“And tonight it has been announced that the hunt for the dangerous vampire hunter codename Amazon tonight, as you remember Amazon was the youngest and most dangerous vampire hunters in the past few years,” Sookie looked up momentarily, only to look back again with her eyes widen at the image. The program showed a mug shot of Lilith when she looked in her early 20s, less tattoos than now and her hair was medium length.

“She was accused of killing a whole building of vampires in Texas and has been hunted down ever since. She disappeared with no sign of killings, now tonight it has been announced she is deceased and off the list.” Sookie sat there with her mouth dropped open, she just couldn’t believe it! Her best friend, the nicest person on the plant was…was a mass vampire murder. She knew she was a slayer but not like this! So that was why Eric was going to attack her, it all clicked. Lilith was Amazon.
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Sorry for the wait folks, I had to work and building what I should write next. I shouldn’t have any problem now since I’m off for the week and have to wait two weeks until the finale of True Blood. Grr. Oh and on that note I saw the preview and I swear to God if they kill Sam off I’m going to be highly upset! I have Eric yes but Sam is my dogfriend! LOL Please read and review, lots of Eric here huh?