The Soldier

Chapter 1

I have screamed your name a thousand times, only to be returned with an empty embrace of silence. How I've cried to the skies, damning everyone for taking you away. Damning myself for being selfish and wishing for your rotting corpse to breathe life again.

Your lungs have long since been collapsed, your eyes asleep, and your heart dead. Those precious memories now echo—lonely—in my head. We used to share thoughts and create special electricity. Now you lie in your bed of worms and dirt, your face laced with decay. The ring you presented to me all those months ago, still keeps close to my heart, forever locked on a chain. It will never have the company of the other ring, and I find that I will never share the company of another. Any love that I once possessed is now crippled inside of your coffin.

I've asked the ears of everyone: why did you have to be the one to die? The man with a fiancée at home, a baby-to-be in her young tummy. My stomach now swells with the child you will never meet. I have the unfortunate fate of a single mother. I will only cook dinner for two. But never, never will I smile for anyone but you.

Damn it all, my love. Damn it all, why did you have to be so brave? You could have hid away and let the others take your place. You were too young and noble to die. How could the evil fates cut your string so soon? You had yet to live a life that you'd barely begun. I understand that you are dead, while the murderers and rapists run free to be alive and breathe. Where is the fairness in this? A man so great and just is left to fall into a pit of dust.

I hate you for leaving me so. I hate that I must miss you so. I hate how much I find myself lost without you. Mostly, I just hate that you chose not to live. Always the hero. Why? Why couldn't you have just stayed back? It was cruel to leave me like this. How could you? You promised. You promised that nothing would ever tear us apart. Well now you're a damned liar. And now, I am uncertain whether I will ever be able to look at the unborn babe without seeing your face. But what frightens me most, is that this little child, will never know your face.
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