Midsummers Breeze

Midsummers Breeze

I made my way through the steets of Albermarrow trying to disquise myself as the prettiest, graceful, and prideful thing on earth, a vampire. Me and my younger brother Adam were in hiding ever since the rebellion took place. My blonde curly hair flew in the breeze. My misson was plain in simple food. As i made my way through the streets on the monthly food stop I realized the life was sucked out of the town. I saw my past friends teachers following behind flithy rich vampires and catering to their every need. This is why me and my brother were in hiding. I promised my parents i would never let anything happen to me or my younger brother.Everything was going smoothly as always when i was looking for food. Hopefully a vampire wasn't looking for food or they would probably come across me. My dazzling looks were almost as aa vampire. My defined eyes and cheek bones my perfectly arched eyebrows and my pulsating blue eyes that after months in the mirror I made to be almost as perfect as the people walking around me. Just then a flash of black ran toward me and stopped right where I was standing.

"Under the act of The Vampire Constiution all humans are to be put into slavery or be in the dungeon." was all he said before he grabbed my arms and picked me up of the ground as if i were a feather. This is what haunted my dreams. What made me sweat when i woke up the horror i would never want my brother to come by. I was offically now put into slavery. They came to a huge black door in a mansion big enough to hold a army. The men opened the door in threw me in with juts enough force for me to hit the ground to make a bruise.

My guess was i was going to be sold in the morning. What in the hell am I supposed to do. My life was taken away in all but what 5 seconds and now my brother is in that abbandoned shack all alone not knowing when I will ever come back. A tear slipped down my cheek then another and another.I started to think the tears would never end. I laid my head down on the hard cold concrete floor and listened to the pipes drip. I was soon sleepping.

I was in a hallway that never ended the doors were looked and nowhere to go. Then a man in a black coat beckoned me to him. "This way my precious' he lurred me. My feet were gliding across the hallway to where he was. His hand was out streched to find mine and then he lunged his red eyes shot daggers through me. His fangs were getting closer and clloser to my throat and i didn't have any idea what to do.

I woke up my palms sweaty and my mind racing. What did the dream mean? "Wake up sleeping beauty!" said a man who then pulled me off the floor and dragged me along to the common room where as when i walked in everyone hushed and stared.

"5,000"called out a man.

"Sir the bidding hasn't even s-" the auctioneer tried to reply but was cut off.

"8,000" said the same man pursuading the auctioneer to start the bidding.

Let me revise that part about what i sad haunted me in my dreams. This was what my nightmares were.
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