Status: I'll have an update up Saturday! Sorry for the wait! =)

Behind The Fame And Fortune

Flipping Off In The Coffee Shop.

Amy's Point of View.

I walked briskly through the crisp autumn morning in Northern California, wanting nothing more than to escape the cold that enveloped me. I looked up, and saw the sign for my favorite coffee shop, and smiled. Finally, I could escape this cold. I quickly opened the large glass door, and stepped into the warmth of the coffee shop. Oh how I had missed warmth. I looked around, everything just as it always was. Brown carpet, dark burgundy walls, and couches, dotted with people taking advantage of the free internet. I smiled and walked right up to the counter, seeing my best friend as the one serving customers.

"Hey Denise, a mocha latte okay?" I asked her.

"Oh hey Amy, sure, coming right up hun."

"Hey wait a minute! I'm next in line!" We heard a separate male voice call.

We both turned towards the voice, and my face turned to annoyance, while Denise's lit up like a lamp that had just been plugged in. Standing in front of us was none other than Leonard-James Scott, the soon-to-be international rock star. He was called Leo for short, but I would never call him that... He had admitted he hated his full name more than anything, and I'd love to see him annoyed. I wished he would just go disappear, not that I don't like rock music, I love it more than anything, but Leonard had to be the most fake person I'd ever encountered. With the voice of an angel, and looks with a smile even better, most girls were play-dough in his hands, easy to morph into whatever you wanted... Or needed at the time. I wasn't like most girls, I saw right through Leonard's act, and refused to fall to his feet. I wouldn't be used like a pawn on a chessboard.

Leonard looked at me, and gave me the heartbreaking smile that would have most girls on the floor, smiling like they'd just gone to Heaven. " Well hello, I'm Leo, though you probably already knew that, no? Who do I have the sincere pleasure of meeting on this cold autumn morning?"

I had to hold back from gagging, while Denise was staring at Leonard, trying not to faint. "Well Leonard," I said, "I do, unfortunately, know who you are. You though, will never know who I am."

Leonard stared at me in confusion, as if he had never been rejected before... Though he probably hadn't. He quickly changed his expression to a smirk. "Aw baby, angels aren't supposed to bite, unless of course they're having fun," he said, winking at me.

This time I literally turned away to gag. Denise by this time, had had to walk away to avoid ending up on the floor. I turned back and put on my sweetest smile, "Yeah? Well honey, I have a feeling you're not dealing with an angel. I'm the devil's child, and I'm someone you'll never get in bed."

With that, I grabbed my mocha latte, and started walking away. As I passed Leonard, I smirked at his shocked expression, and flipped him off. I then walked out of the coffee shop, happy for once, to be out in the cold.
♠ ♠ ♠
So here's the first chapter to my new story. I hope you like it. Comments and feedback please? : )