Status: Re-write.

With You, Always.

How They Met.

“Val, doll, can you tell me what time my next victim is?” I asked my best friend as I began cleaning up my spot a bit. Since, I just finished with a client, "Sure thing. Nells,” she retorted, giving me a pretty smile as the blonde looked at the booked appointments on the computer.

“4:45 is your next customers,” Val answered as she gave me the picture of the tattoo my next client wanted.

"Great, gives me time to draw this bad boy, thanks babe,” I grinned widely after she gave me the picture; I sat at the lighted desk and began tracing this massive back piece.


About thirty minutes later and I was finished. Val came over to the desk to check out what I did, "You like?" I smirked widely at my work.

"Hell yeah, I like! But, I’m sure it'll look better actually on the dude,” she said, leaning closer and looking at the detailed work. The sound of the bell dinged, when we heard someone walk through the door to the shop, "There's your guy now,” Val said as she moved to the side.

"Alright,” I nodded, grabbing the paper as I skipped my way to the front of the shop, "You must be my 4:45?" I asked the tall, green-eyed human standing before me.

"Guess I am, names Kyle,” he smiled putting his hand in front of me to shake. I smiled and said, "I’m Nelly, nice to meet you, Kyle.”

We shook hands and I led him to my domain in the back, "So, this is what I got,” I said as I handed him the replica I just finished, "Awesome! It looks sick. Can't wait to see how it turns out.”

We smiled at each other, "Alright then, let's get this baby inked on you, shall we!?" I exclaimed sitting in my chair, getting the colors ready. While, he took his shirt off and laid himself on the table on his stomach, and that's when I began doing what I do best. I love my job as a tattoo artist. I get to meet the most awesome, down to earth people. I have tattooed people from Jacoby Shaddix to Megan Fox and even some of the Suicide Girls, awesome right!? I have amazingly talented and funny employees and I couldn't have asked for a better bunch.


Two in a half hours later and my back piece was a masterpiece, "This is fucking amazing, girl. It's so graphic and detailed man. I love it!" Kyle smiled as he was examining the work I had just finished on his back.

"Fuck yeah it is! And whenever you feel the urge to get yourself inked again, you come again and see me,” I said laughing as I gently rubbed the cream on his back.

"I will, I will. No doubt about it,” he smiled, giving me a 'thank you' hug. After I finished taking a picture of my latest piece of body art, Kyle paid his fee. I closed up the shop, considering it was almost eight o'clock. All of my employees were cleaning up their areas. While, Val was counting the money in the cash register and going over the appointments; we had scheduled for tomorrow, especially since Saturdays were our very busy days, "Nell, do you want go to Level 2?" Val asked me from across the room.

"Do I want go to Level 2?" I repeated her words, putting an emphasis on the ‘I’ and pointing to myself.

"Right, stupid question, you’re Nelly for fucks sake, duh! Silly me,” Val said, hitting herself in the head, a little too hard I might add, which made us burst into laughter. Before, we left to go to the club. We looked at ourselves in the mirror to make sure we looked good and presentable, and I have to admit, we looked pretty hot! I was wearing a tightly fitted black corset that showed off my cleavage and the sleeve of tats on my left arm, tight black skinny jeans, and red stilettos. While, Val wore a purple baby doll shirt that hugged her in all the right spots, short ripped jean shorts, and black peep toes, "Girl, you look fine. Now, get your ass moving!" Val said as she playfully smacked my ass.

"Ok, ok,” I said, throwing my hands up in surrender, "no need to go all lesbian on me now,” I snorted, making us both laugh.

We walked over to my white Escalade, jumping right in and heading straight towards our destination. Val turned the volume up on the stereo as ‘Mayor Que Yo’ from Wisin Y Yandel played through the speakers. Even though, she didn't understand half of the things they were saying, it was her favorite reggaeton song. The windows were down and a lit cigarette was in between my fingers with our hairs flowing with the cool California breeze.

The city lights shined on my long black hair and Val’s blonde strands while we drove down PCH. As I drove into the club’s parking lot, Val checked her make-up and I did too. Once, I was parked. When, we were satisfied with our facial appearance. We got out of the car, pressing the little lock button on my keys and began walking our way into the club linking our arms together, "Pretty crowded, huh!?" Val yelled over the loud music and the chatter of the club people.

"Yeah, it is!” I replied as we surfed through people, trying to find two body-less stools at the bar.

"Perfect!” I squealed, clapping my hands together in excitement, "What do you two horny gals want?" the female bartender asked us.

"Oh shut up Leana!" Val said as she smacked the brunette lightly.

"Very funny, Lee,” I said smiling.

"Any saggy, drunk old men hit on you yet?" Val asked Leana.

“Don’t I always get hit on,” Leana smiled as she was tending to the guys standing next to Val.

"Can you please get us our usual, babe?” Val asked as she adjusted herself in the stool, “Oh and three shots of tequila, please!?" I smiled waving three fingers in the air.

"Why three shots?" Val asked with a quirky smile on her face.

"Well, one for our LeeBee of course!" I explained.

Leana smiled and said, "You know it, Nelly! Two Long Islands and tequilas coming up, ladies!" she cheered, getting our drinks as I began swaying my body and lip-syncing to Pink's 'Funhouse'.

"This song is fucking awesome!" Val said as she followed my actions.

"Agreed,” I smiled, putting two thumbs up.

"Here you go, my fellow playmates,” Leana said as she placed our drinks in front of us.

"Here’s to a fantastic night with my best girls. Partying, drinking, getting laid, and some more drinking!" Leana said as we put our glasses into the air for cheers.

"Hell yeah!" Val and I yelled in unison. And with that being said, we took our shots, gulping it right down to the core, "Wooh, that was fucking good!" I said as I put the glass down, only to pick up my Long Island Ice Tea, "Looks like someone’s checking out Miss. Janelly,” Val said shaking her eyebrows in a suggestive manner.

"WHAT! Who!? Where!?” I asked, quickly looking around.

"Ah, I see and he's hot too,” Leana said smiling as she dried off a glass.

"He’s a couple of seats behind you, standing next to the buff, tattooed hottie with the lip ring. Janelly, he's looking right at you too!" Val smiled as she took a sip of her drink.

"Should I look back?” I asked the girls. Leana shook her head yes and Val said, "Yeah girl, but don't make it look obvious.”

So with that being said, I slowly twisted in my seat, making it turn so that it was now facing the dance floor. I took a sip of my drink looking all relaxed and what not, then I heard Leana's big mouth say, "Look at him for goodness sake!"

I tried hiding my laughter and slowly turned my head, making it look like I was scanning the room till my eyes fell upon the most handsome man ever. He had black spiky hair, skin that looked soft to the touch, gorgeous chocolate brown eyes, beautifully structured cheek bones, and sleeve of tats! Major plus on my book!

I think I was staring at him for a long time. Because, he smiled and winked at me whom brought me out of my daze and back into reality, making me crack a shy smile....I think. I quickly turned my attention back to the girls, who had smirks on their faces, "Well!" Val asked in anticipation.

"I think I just made myself look like an idiot,” I replied, covering my face with my hands in embarrassment, “Yeah probably,” Leana teased, smiling at me.

"Hey! You’re not supposed to agree with me,” I laughed, shaking my head.

"Oh my god!" Val gasped as we stared at the blonde, “What!?” we said in chorus.

"He's coming over here!" Val squealed loudly as my eyes went wide.

"Are you serious!?” I asked as I began fixing my hair, like it would make any difference (note to sarcasm). "Dead serious,” Leana said as she leaned her elbows on the counter top. Val took a sip of her drink. While, Leana cleared her throat and that's when, he was right by my side. I looked into his luscious eyes as he put his hand out in front of him, waiting for me to shake it. He introduced himself saying, "Hi, my name is Brian.”

He smiled a smile that could make any girl melt, "Janelly, nice to meet you, Brian,” I smiled, taking his hand in mine.

"I was about to go out for a smoke and thought I’d ask a beautiful girl like you. If you'd care to join me?" he asked, still holding my hand. I think my face was flushed with a tint of red. Because, the girls began to snicker and giggle; I smiled and said, "Sure, I’d love to.”

And with that being said, I got up from my seat, grabbing my Marlboro Reds from my purse and picked up my Long Island, both together in one hand. Since, Brian still had my other one, "Matt, hold this for me?" Brian asked as he handed his beer to his muscular friend, whose name I’m guessing is Matt.

"I'll keep your friend company. While, you two go outside,” Matt spoke with a dimpled smile as he took an empty seat right beside Val, who an ‘eek’ squeal. We were walking away as I smiled at her and walked right behind Brian, hand in hand. He turned around and smiled at me. Gosh, he’s just too gorgeous.
♠ ♠ ♠
Re-write. ;)

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