My Best Friends Daughter

Chpt. 10


-The Next Morning-
(Brian's P.O.V)

I was sleeping comfortably with Ivy in my arms, that is till my phone went off. I looked at the time and it was 6:30am, then I picked it up off the nightstand. I looed at the caller ID, it was Matt. I quickly sat up, cleared my throat and pressed the TALK button.

Phone Convo-->

Matt- Hey Bri, have you seen Ivy? Please tell me you've seen her.
Me-Yeah Matt! Calm down. She's here.
Matt- Oh thank God! Wait!, what the hell is she doing at your place!?
Me-She called me last night crying, saying that you two got into a fight and shit and she didn't have anywhere to go so I told her to come over. She ended up falling asleep on the couch so I left her. (God I felt so bad for lying to him like that)
Matt-Is she still sleeping?
Me-I think so
Matt-Well, as soon as she wakes up tell her I want her home.
Me-Will do
Matt-Ok, thanks Bri. Bye
Me-No problem Matt. Bye

-Phone clicks-

I put my phone back on the nightstand and layed my head back down on my pillow, wrapping my arm around Ivy. I stayed slipping until 10:15. Ivy was facing me, eyes closed. I just stared at her while she slept. She looked so beautiful and serene. Then, her eyes started opening slowly. I smiled at her and she cracked a half smile. "What are you doing?", she whispered. "Watching you sleep", I said as I kissed her on the forehead. "Why?", she smiled. "Because you look beautiful when you sleep". She shyly smiled and rested her head on my chest while I began drawing invisible circles on her bare back. "Your dad called looking for you, he sounded pretty worried". "What! When?", she asked as she shot up on the bed, covering her naked body with the blanket. "He called around 6:30, you were still sleeping". "What did he say?", she asked nervously. "He told me to tell you that as soon as you wake up, he wants you home". "I should get going then", she said as she got off of the bed and then putting her clothes on. After she was dressed she walked over to me and planted a kiss on my lip and whispered, "thank you for being there for me, it means alot". I smiled asnd whispered back, "no problem baby, i'll be here for you always, cause I love you". "I love you too", she said as she kissed my forehead and left the room. I heard the door close from downstairs so I got up from my bed and looked out of the window. She quickly got into her car and drove off. When her car was out of sight, I decided to take a shower.

-Ivy's P.O.V-

Fifteen minutes after leaving Brians house and I was already parked in my drive way. I sighed and quickly walked up the steps and unlocked the door. I stepped inside the house, and there he was, sitting on the couch. I cleared my throat and walked up to him. "Why didn't you call me?", my dad asked calmly. "I was too mad", I said as I slowly placed myself on the couch sitting a couple inches away from him. "Right", he said shaking his head. "Ivy, you had me worried. You could've atleast called just to let me know you were still breathing", he said sarcasticly. "Im sorry daddy", I said softly. He hugged me close and said, "Im sorry too sweetie, it's just that I don't want to loose you too", he said as he held me tighter. A few seconds later he pulled himself from me and said that he loved me. He started walking to the kitchen and said, "Im leaving in about two hours or so if you wanna come?". "Sure, where are you going?", I asked as I was rubbing Bella's tummy. "I was thinking we could go out to eat", he said, taking a sip of his water. "Just the two of us!?", I asked happily. "Yeah baby, just the two of us", he replied and we both smiled. "Ok, let me go take a shower and get ready", I said as I walked up the stairs, skipping a few steps along the way.
After I took my shower I got dressed. I was wearing a black fitted Vengeance University babydoll shirt that Zacky got me, purple skinny pants, and black flats. I did my hair the usual 'scene' style, clipping my bangs to the side with a cute purple bow. And for my face, I just put on some black eyeliner and mascara. Once I was finished, I grabbed my money and iPod from my desk and went downstairs. My dad was sitting on the recliner watching T.V. "Ready to go kiddo?", he asked as he got up stretching his arms. "Yup!", I said as I threw him his car keys, which he caught. We left house together and jumped into his black Escalade, instantly driving away. We got to the fancy Italian restaurant about thirty minutes later. We got out of the car and began walking our way inside while I linked my arm with his. Once we got inside I looked around. Everybody was dressed elegant and proper while me and my dad were the odd balls. "Reservation for Sanders", my dad said to the head waiter. "Ahh, yes. Right this way, follow me please", the waiter said with a heavy Italian accent. We followed the man and he sat us at a table set for two that had a lit candle right in the center. The restaurant was beautiful, like something you would see in a movie. "What could I get you two to drink this evening?", asked the pretty blonde waitress. She too had a thick Italian accent. I've only been to Italy once to visit my great-grandparents. "I will have the special wine, and you Ivy?", my dad asked. "I'll have strawberry lemonade". "I'll be right back with your drinks", smiled the waitress. "I feel so under dressed", I pouted as I looked at my dad. "Oh Ivy, stop fidgiting. You look beautiful", he grinned. I blushed and began looking over my menu. The waitress came with our drinks and then took our orders. The food arrived about fifteen minutes after we placed the orders. We ate, talked about old times, laughed, and just had a good time with eachothers company.
After we ate, we left the restaurant and drove to the studio to meet up with the guys. They were gonna start working on a new song for the album. We finally reached the studio and I was starting to get happy. I haven't seen some of the guys and their girls in like two weeks, so I was pretty stoked. Plus, I get to see my Bri Bear, but it's not like we can act affectionate towards eachother cause we don't want anybody to find out, well, atleast not just yet.
We walked into the studio and everybody was there. "Ivyyy!!!", Jimmy yelled as he came to me, wrapping his arms around me in a big bear hug, "Hi uncle Jimmy", I tried to say as he squished the life out of me. "Jimmy, let the poor girl go for Christ sake, your squishing her to death you fucker", Johnny said as Jimmy released me. I laughed at the two and gave everybody hugs, including Brian. I sat on the couch next to Leana. Me, Leana, and Lacey talked while the guys did what they do best. We played cards and Johnny ended up joining us for a little while, it was fun. Everybody was just joking around, laughing at Jimmy and Johnny arguing over who said what first, and just having a good ol' time.
Hours had past and I started getting sleepy. Leana was sitting on the couch looking at a PEOPLES Magazine, so I got up from the floor, sat on the couch laying my head on her lap. "You tired babycakes?", she asked as she tore herself from the magazine. I nodded my head yes and she began rubbing my head softly, something my mom used to do to me when I was sad or tired. I gently closed my eyes and fell asleep.
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Yay!!! I updated!!
its been a couple of days since my last update so
i hope ya'll enjoy this one. Im gonna try to update the next chapter right now =D
comments would be greatly appreciated you know! dont be scared to leave one when your done reading cause i sooo want to know what you think, kay!
and thnx so much to my new friend that left me a comment. YOU ROCK!