My Best Friends Daughter

Chpt. 11

1 Month Later-

"Hello?", I said into the phone. "Hey baby, it's me. Did I wake you up?", Brian asked from the other side of the phone. "No Bri, im up", I smiled. "I just wanted to say happy birthdat and happy 1 month anniversary". "Aww baby, thank you. And happy 1 month anniversary to you too, Brian. I love you", I said as I layed my head back down on the pillow. "I love you too Ivy. I'll see you at the party, kay!?", he said in his sweet, husky voice. "Kay, bye baby". "Bye beautiful". And with that being said, I put my phone back down on my nightstand. Ok, to sum things up a bit, today is my 18th birthday and my dad and Luna are throwing me a party. Yeah, i know I didn't like Luna before, but i've grown to know her and she is very nice to me and everybody else, and my dad seems to really like. I shouldn't have judged her the way I did. Oh yeah!, me and Brian have been together for a month and today is our anniversary, obviously haha. Nobody knows about us still, and we are trying to keep it like that a little while longer. I love him so much. He makes me so happy and I love being with him.
As I was laying down, I was brought out of my thoughts. My dad and Luna came into my room singing happy birthday while my dad held a tray of food along with a glass of OJ. I smiled and couldn't help but cover my face from embarassment. "Daddyyyy!!!", I laughed. "Breakfast in bed for the birthday girl", he said as he placed the tray on my lap. "Happy birthday baby", he said kissing my forehead. "Thanks daddy, but im not a baby anymore",I smiled at him while our foreheads touched and our noses brushed. "I know, but your still my baby and you will always be my baby, even when im old and crusty and strolling around in a wheelchair, still singing my ass off", he said playfully while Luna and I laughed. "You win", I said as I kissed him on the cheek, Luna came over to my side, gave me a box that was wrapped in a purple bow. I opened it up and there was a gorgeous diamond ring. I picked it up and carefully studied it. Inside the ring was incrusted 'Happy 18th Ivy Jade'. "Aww, thank you Luna", I smiled, giving her a hug. "No problem sweetie. Im glad you like. Your dad helped me pick it out", she smiled. "Thank you", I said once more. She nodded and they both began walking out of my room. "Wait!", I yelled. "What!?", my dad quickly turned around. "I love you", I said and blew him a kiss. "I love you too kiddo", he said and continued walking hand in hand with Luna, making an exit at my door, closong it behind them. I began eating the delicious breakfast that dad and Luna cooked for me until a sound went off on my laptop. A sound that indicated I have an IM. My laptop was right beside me so I opened it, and sure enough I had an IM from Shayde, to which I replied.

IvyQueen17- hehe thnk babe =P
ShaydeOfGrey- welcomez! whatcha doin?
IvyQueen17- eating my breakfast in bed. dad and luna are spoiling me =D
ShaydeOfGrey- your getting the royal treatment haha, your majesty =P
IvyQueen17- awww is poor shay jealous????
ShaydeOfGrey- psssh! yeah right!!
IvyQueen17- mmhmm, hehe XD what time r u coming over?
ShaydeOfGrey- umm idk =/ what time do u wnt me to come?
IvyQueen17- erm, come by like around 4:30ish, even tho it doesnt strt till 5 but i wnt you here earlier :)
ShaydeOfGrey- okies, sounds good 2 mee!!! see ya in a bit. LOSER!! muaaahahaha!!!
IvyQueen17- lmao. wierdo!!
ShaydeOfGrey- i knw hehe. ilu <33
IvyQueen17- ilu2 babe. bye <3333
ShaydeOfGrey- bye!

After IMing Shayde and eating my breakfast I went to go take a shower, especially since it was practically twelve in the afternoon. I quickly ran into the bathroom, accidentally slipping on a loose shirt that was on the floor, but im still alive, haha. I turned the shower on, got undressed, stepped into the shower and began washing my hair and body. Twelve minutes later and I was out! I wrapped myself in my purple and black towel and squished the excess water from my hair into the sink. I walked over to my dresser to get my black Victoria's Secret bra and panty set. I unwrapped my towel letting it fall to the floor while I began putting on my undergarments. But before I got myself dressed, I decided to take a picture of myself in my panties to send to Brian. I took a sexy mirror shot and sent him the pic txt. I set my phone down at the edge of my bed while I began rummaging through my closet. I found a black dress shirt that showed some cleavage and tied in the back to show off my curves, blue jean short shorts that gave more umph to my butt, and my favorite black stilettos. Once I put my shirt on I heard my phone go off. I opened it and it was a text from Brian; Bri-12:47pm: baby you are so fkn beautiful. i just wanna ravish you =D. I giggled at what he wrote and replied back; Me-12:49pm: rawr baby, yummy :) maybe you can have me later but right now i need to finished getting ready<3. I sent him the message and continued getting dressed.
After two hours of fixing my hair, which I straightend, then curled with the curling iron, pinning some up in the back, and doing my make-up, black eyeshadow, liquid eyeliner and a dab of concealer on my lips to match my skin complexion, I was ready for my party!

-At The Party- (my backyard)

My party has been going on for about an hour now and all of my friends and family where having a good time. The stereo blasted music, people are dancing, eating, and talking. Knowing everybody was happy and satisfied made me a happy camper. "Ok everbody!! Listen up, it is now time to sing happy birthday to the birthday girl. So everyone gather around the table!!", Zacky yelled into the mic. Everyone surrounded me at the table while Shayde and Rouge were at my sides. My dad lit the 18 candles on my huge cake and soon after everyone began chanting the traditional birthday song, "Happy Birthday To You, Happy Birthday To You, Happy Birthday Dear IIIIvy, Happy Birthday Tooooo Yoooou!!! woooooooh!!!'. I made my wish and blew out every candle, and as soon as I stood staight up, everybody clapped and made noise, which I couldn't help but smile the whole time. Shayde wipped purple frosting on the tip of my nose and we all started laughing and people started taking pictures for memory purposes. I put the first cut into the cake and everyone clapped. Leana and aunty Amy took over and began serving the pieces to the guests.
Once everyone finished their dessert, it was time to open presents! My fav part! I sat down in my chair and began opening some of my gifts. The first one I opened was a gorgeous portrait of my mom holding me when I was 1 years old. Leana drew it and I thanked her sooo much. It was a really amazing gift. "Im gonna hang it above my bed on the wall", I said as I hugged her tightly, she smiled and hugged me back. The next one I opened was from Lacey and Johnny, it was a gift certificate to one of my favorite stores, Forever 21, and they got me a keyboard, something i've been really wanting. "Aww, thank you guys soo much. Your the best!", I said as I hugged them both. "No problem hun, we knew you've been wanting one for a while", Lacey smiled. Zacky got me a new iPod touch, and an awesome purple shirt that said, 'I GRADUATED VENGEANCE UNIVERSITY WITH HONORS', on the front with white lettering and on the back it said, 'IVY SHADOWS- CLASS OF 6661'. We all laughed and I thanked uncle Zacky with a big hug. Jimmy, Auntie Amy, and one of my besties Kandyl got me some awesome jewlery. Brian got me a spa pack, which included me getting pampered like a queen for a whole day, like he said, which I thought was an awesome gift and deserved a big hear hug. About almost an hour of opening gifts, my dad interrupted. "Alright everyone!! I have a special gift for my leading lady", my dad said as he winked at me. "I am going to sing her a song and im gonna need my fellow bandmates to help me out, so come on up guys!", he spoke while the guys walked up to the built stage that was in my huge backyard. "This is a song that I wrote, specially for Ivy. It expresses how much I love you and how much you mean to me. You have made me the man I am today and I don't know what i'd do without you. You are the greatest daughter any man can ask for. So Ivy Jade, this ones for you baby. It's called, Dear God". He adjusted himself on the stool. I smiled at my awesome dad and listened to him sing:

A lonely road, crossed another cold state line
Miles away from those I love
Purpose hard to find
While I recall all the words you spoke to me
Can't help but wish that I was there
Back where I'd love to be, oh yeah

Dear God the only thing I ask of you
Is to hold her when I'm not around
When I'm much too far away
We all need that person who can be true to you
But I left her when I found her
And now I wish I'd stayed
'Cause I'm lonely and I'm tired
I'm missing you again, oh no
Once again

There's nothing here for me on this barren road
There's no one here while the city sleeps
And all the shops are closed
Can't help but think of the times I've had with you
Pictures and some memories will have to help me through, oh yeah

Dear God the only thing I ask of you is
To hold her when I'm not around,
When I'm much too far away
We all need that person who can be true to you
I left her when I found her
And now I wish I'd stayed
'Cause I'm lonely and I'm tired
I'm missing you again oh no
Once again

Some search, never finding a way
Before long, they waste away
I found you, something told me to stay
I gave in, to selfish ways
And how I miss someone to hold
When hope begins to fade...

A lonely road, crossed another cold state line
Miles away from those I love
Hope is hard to find

Dear God the only thing I ask of you is
To hold her when I'm not around,
When I'm much too far away
We all need the person who can be true to you
I left her when I found her
And now I wish I'd stayed
'Cause I'm lonely and I'm tired
I'm missing you again oh no
Once again
During his beautiful performance, I cried. I couldn't help it. His lyrics hit me so deep. Once he was finished I ran up to him and gave him the biggest hug ever! Everyone was in awe and some were teary eyed, like Leana, Auntie Amy, and even all four of my grandparents. "I love you so much daddy", I cried into his shoulder. "I love you too", he whispered as he held me tighter. We gently pulled away from eachother and laughed as I wipped my face. "I got one more thing for you", he smiled and walked over to the table that had all the gifts and picked up a box that was hidden under it. "This is for you, open it", he grinned. I slowly took the cover off of the wrapped box, only to reveal two small Shiba Inu puppies. One was weraing a pink bow while the other sported a blue bow. "Oh my God!", I squealed clapping my hands together in excitment. I softly picked the puppies up and held them close to me, placing a kiss on their tiny noses. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!", I jumped, giving my dad a hug. "Your welcome sweetie, now what are you gonna call them?", he questioned. I thought hard for a minute, and then came up with the perfect names. "Im going to call them, Jack and Sally", I smiled happily with the names i've chosen. "Wise choice", Brian said as he patted Jack's head. "Wait!, isn't that the names from The Nightmare Before Christmas!?", Johnny asked. Everyone started laughing. "Duh! you slow fuck!", Jimmy said as he playfully gave Johnny a wack to the head. This was really the best birthday ever!!! =D
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hope you enjoyed this chapter as well =D
i love comments so please leave me on and tell me what you think
i dnt bite!!

-this is the beautiful Aishwarya Rai aka Luna (in the story)

-this is Jack

and this is Sally