My Best Friends Daughter

Chpt. 12


-2 Months Later-

Ivy's P.O.V

It's been two months since my 18th birthday, me and Brian are still going strong, unknown. It's kinda hard having to sneek around all the damn time, but hey, it works right!? This morning I really wasn't feeling too peachy. I woke up nauseous and sick to my stomach. I threw up a few times, but I didn't really think anything of it. Lacey had the bug last week so im guessing that's what it is.
A few days go by and im still sick! Im starting to get the feeling that it's not the bug, maybe I-im.....pregnant. So I threw on some sweats, a white tank, and put on my whit flip flops, throwing my hair into a messy bun and drove to the drug store downtown. As soon as I got there I ran in, calmly, got two pregnancy test kits, paid for them and quickly walked back to my car. I sighed as I turned the car on and drove to Brian's house. Alot was running through my mind while I was driving. Like, what would my dad do if he found out I was pregnant, especially with Brian's baby, and how would Brian react. I brought myself out of my thoughts as I pulled up to his drive way. I grabbed the bag that held the tests and quickly walked up the steps and opened the door, using the spare key he gave me. "Brian!", I yelled as I walked up the stairs to the sencond floor. "Yeah, im in the kitchen!", he yelled back. I walked into the kitchen and Brian was sitting on one of the bar stools, drinking his coffee and reading a Revolver magazine. "Hey baby, what's up?", he asked as he kissed my lips. "I need to talk to you", I slightly smiled. "About wha-, wait, what's in the bag?", he questioned. I put the bags upside down and let the tests fall ontop of the counter. He quickly took a step back , covering his mouth with his left hand and stared at them for a good minute. "Say something!", I kinda yelled. "Umm, wow. You think yo-your, pregnant?", he finally managed to say. "Yes, im thinking it's a major possibility", I said as I crossed my arms. "I thought you just had the bug", he asked, still looking at the boxes. "I thought so too, but i've been puking almost every morning for a week", I said as he was now looking at me. I grabbed the boxes off of the counter and grabbed a hold of his hand, leading us to the bathroom that was in his master bedroom. Brian leaned against the door frame while i pulled my pants down sitting myself on the toilet. I opened the first box, took the stick out from it's wrapper and peed on it. I stopped half way, holding my pee in and taking the other stick from the other box and peed on that one too, just in case. Once I was finished I pulled my pants up, flushed the toilet and washed my hands. I placed the tests ontop of the sink counter and looked at Brian. "How long do we have to wait?', he asked. "Five minutes", I answered. He nodded his head and pulled me into a hug. We held eachother till it was time to check the results. "I think it's been five minutes babe", Brian said as we slowly parted, I could tell he was nervous by the way his voice shook. I walked over to the tests, inhaled deep, and took them both into my hands. I slowly turned around to Brian. "Soo..", he said as he motioned his hand in the air. "It's negative". "Both of them?", he asked. "Eh-yeah", I said, kinda shocked. He came over to my side and observed the sticks I was holding. We looked at eachother in relief. "I guess it is the bug after all", I said as I threw the tests into the trash can, along with the boxes. "I guess so", Brian said as he hugged me again. "I don't think i've been that fuckin in my entire life". "Me too", Brian said. We both started to laugh a little bit at the thought of us being, parents. We were both scared shitless. So after our little scare I ended up staying at Brian's house for a bit. We talked about what we would've done if I was really, with child, and we cuddled on his sofa and watched a movie. I left his house after the movie was finished and now im home, relaxing in a hot soothing bath.
1 week later-->

After finding out that the tests were negative, I carried on with my everyday activities, but I was still throwing up in the morning, so Brian suggested that I should go to the doctors. We both went to my appointment were they did some routine blood tests. The doctor came back with the test results, "Well, looks like everything is fine and you don't have the bug", he said as he looked over some papers in the folder. "Oh good", I said as I stood up, Brian was still sitting on the chair. "But we did find a little something", he added. "Oh God, what?", my voice shook. "It looks like your about 8 weeks pregnant", the doctor smiled. I stepped back and let myself fall slowly back onto the chair. "How can that be, she took two tests and they both came out fucking negative", Brian stated. "Well, sometimes not all tests are exact". "Holy shit", Brian said as he rested his head in his hands. "I'll give you two a minute", Dr. Carlson said as he walked out of the room.

Brian's P.O.V

I can't believe that Ivy is really pregnant. I mean, come on now, the other day we were just laughing about the fact the she was 'almost' pregnant. I knew it was too fucking good to be true. Don't get me wrong, I am somewhat happy, but Matt sure as hell isn't gonna be all fine and dandy when he finds out. "Babe, it's gonna be alright", Ivy said as she put her arms around me. I hugged her tightly and kissed her forehead. There was a knock on the door and the Dr. Carlson entered the room. "You two ok?", he asked with a sympathetic look on his taned face. "Yes", we both said at the same time. "Glad to hear", he said as he sat on the chair infront of us. "Ivy, now that your pregnant your body is going to change. Your going to need to take things slow, especially during the first trimester. You will be craving alot of thing and having the need to pee alot but thats all normal. I will be your doctor through out your nine months of pregnancy and I will be delivering the baby as well", he said as he handed me and Ivy some pamphlets on first time parents. "I want you to come back next Thursday for your next appointment". "Ok. Thankc doc", I said as we shook hands. Me and Ivy left the building and drove back to my place.

Ivy's P.O.V-->

"How am I going to tell my dad?", I said as we were parked infront of his house. "We're just gonna have to tell him the truth", Brian said, grabbing a hold of my hand. I looked up at him and gave him a half smile. "Well, if we're gonna do it we might as well get it over with now", I huffed. "Yeah, take your car there and i'll be right behind you". "Kay", I said as he gave me a kiss right before I got out of his car, and when I did I walked over to my car and began driving to my house. Fifteen minutes later and I was at my house. I walked up to the door and Brian was right behind me. I took in a deep breath and opened the door. My dad was sitting on the couch with Luna right next to him, Jimmy, Leana, Zacky, and Johnny where seated in the livingroom too, just great. "Hey baby, how was your appointment?", he asked as he took a sip of his coke. "Eyyy, Briaaan!", Jimmy shouted. Brian nervously laughed and sat down in the recliner. "It was erm, ok", I said as I stood at the door frame which split the livingroom and kitchen. "Just ok?", he asked. I nodded yes and suddenly took intrest to my flip flops. "Well, what happend?". My mouth didn't want to open but my mind told me to just SAY IT! I looked over at Brian and gave me a small nod. "I don't have the bug, but-", I said as I my hands started to shake. "But what, Ivy?", he and everyone else looked at me, awaiting my answer. "I-I-im.....pregnant", I mumbled. "Ivy, I didn't hear a word you just said". "I-im, pregnant", I said loud enough so everyone could hear. Everboy's eyes went wide and some mouths dropped. "How in the world can you be pregnant? I didn't even know you were sexually active", he said questioned as his voice started to grow. I stayed quiet, wrapping my arms around myself as tears began to flood in my eyes. "May I ask who is the father?". I stayed quiet, tears running down my cheek. Leana came to my side and rubbed my back. "Answer me!!", he yelled making everyone jump, which made me cry even harder. "It's Brian", I cried. Everyone gasped and all eyes where on Brian. "What!!??", he yelled. His fists began to tighten and he slowly rose from his seat and walked towards Brian. "Matt, let me expl-", that was all Brian could say before my dad's fist met his face. "Daddy!! Stop!!!!", I yelled, tears still falling as I ran up to him, trying to stop him from beating the life out of Brian. "Leave him alone!", I cried, pulling on my fathers shirt. He punched him two more times while Jimmy and Zacky tried to break them up. "I love him!!", I yelled out as Johnny pulled me away. My dad stopped, pushing Brian, making him hit his head on the hardwood floor while Leana rushed to his side. "Get the fuck off me", he said as he pushed Zacky to the side. " him", I sobbed. "How the FUCK, can you be in love with him?", my dad asked angrily as he started walking closer to me. I grabbed a hold of Johnny's arm tightly, scared by the way my dad was acting. "Ivy, answer me God dammit!! How the fuck could you have let this happen!?". "Matt, your scaring her!", Luna cried. "Shut the fuck up!", he yelled. " eachother. We have been together for 3 months, and now we are having a baby and I hope that you can respect that", I said softly. He laughed a sinister laugh and shook his head. "How can I respect the fact that my own best friend impregnanted my babygirl". "Dad! I am not a baby anymore, okay!! Look at me! I am eighteen now and you need to stop treating me like an eight year old!", I yelled at him. "Get him out of my fucking house!! Everybody leave...NOW!!!", he screamed. "Call me if anything", Johnny whispered in my ear as everyone began leaving, Brians arm was wrapped around Jimmy's neck. The door slammed shut and silence was filled in the house. "Why would you go and do something soo fucking stupid? You both just fucked up your lives, you know that right?", he asked as he glared at me. I shot my head up at him and couldn't believe what he just said. "So, I fucked up your life then too. If you haven't noticed, you and mom were way much younger", I said, crying as I got up from the couch and ran upstairs to my room. "Ivy, wait! That's not what I meant...... Ivy!", he yelled as he ran after me. I closed my door behind me and locked it. I layed myself on my bed and cried into my pillow while my puppies, Jack and Sally, came to me and started licking my arm and hair. "Ivy, im sorry. Please open the door", my dad pleaded as he knocked on the door. "No,I don't want to talk to you, so just leave me and my baby alone", I cried. He knocked a couple more times and I just ignored it, eventually he gave up and left. I layed in bed, crying and cuddling up with my pups, bella decided to join us. I don't know how things are going to be after this just happend. I wish my mom was here, she'd know what to do and how to fix things up with my dad and make everything better. I wish she was still here with me to be here for me and my baby. I miss you mommy, I love you. And with that being said, I fell asleep with my three puppies.
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another effing update, ya-yeah!!
hope you enjoy it my lovely subscribers =D
comments will be seriously appreciated, seriously hehe

xoxo, Kai