My Best Friends Daughter

Chpt. 4

Ivy's P.O.V

Today is Friday and I just got back home from school. Boring! I graduate in a couple of months, which is good. I walk up the steps and into the door. As I shut the door behind me, my dog, Bella jumped on me. My parents got her for me when I was 10. " Come on Bella, you wanna go outside?" I asked her as she wagged her tail and she ran out the door. I walked into the kitchen to get something to drink. I went over to the fridge and poured myself some Berry Punch juice, my favorite. I heard footsteps coming from the living room and I turned around to see Leana. " Hey Leana, what are you doing here?" I asked her as I sipped my juice. " Oh, your dad asked me to come over today since he's gonna be late from the studio, and, he didn't want you to be alone, today sweety", she said as she touched my arm. Today is the 2nd year anniversary of my mom's death. There isn't a day that goes by were she doesn't cross my mind. " Thanks Leana", " No problem hun, you know im always here for you", " Yeah, I know", "Umm, im gonna go to my room and get started on my paper", " Ok, well i'll be down here if anything. Just give me a holler", she said as I made my way to my room. I opened the door and shut it right behind me. I put on my dad's cd and put up the volume as the song that he dedicated to my mom played loud on the stereo. I sat down on my bed and started my paper, while singing along. " I give my heart to you, I give my heart, cause nothing can compare in this world to you, whoooh". They were such a beautiful couple. I started to get sleepy and the music began to fade in the background.
---1 Hour Later---
I was peacefully sleeping, until a knock was at my door. "Come in!", I said tiredly. " Hey, it's only me", said my best friend Shayde. She has always been there for me. We've been best buds since elementary. " How are you feeling?", she asked as she sat at the corner of my bed. "Pretty good, im getting over it a little." Gosh, that sounds so, so cruel. How could I say that? "That's good love, even though she's your mother, it's better to not dwell on the past and just move along, ya know!" she said as she hugged me, I hugged her back. "Shayde, your the best. I don't know what I'd do without you." I told her. "I know",she smiled. "So, since it's friday night, what do you wanna do?" she said as she was looking through my computer. "Umm, I don't know, my dad isn't coming home till late. If he was here I'd ask him to drop us off at the movies or something", I shrugged. "Ask Leana if she can drop us off?", "No, Jimmy has the car.", "Oh, well Brians down stairs." she said. "What the hell is he doing here so early? He's supposed to be at the studio with the guys", I asked confused. So, I walked down stairs with Shayde behind me. I walked into the kitchen to find Brian sitting on the counter talking to Leana. "Brian, what the hell are you doing here? I thought you guys weren't coming back till late?", I asked as I sat next to him. "We finished earlier than we expected", he answerd. "Oh, ok, well I was wondering if you could drop off me and Shayde at the movies", "Oh, what movie are you going to watch?" he asked. "Either Sorority Rows or Fast & Furious", Shayde said answering his question. "I think I will join you girls. Let's watch Sorority Rows. I'm in the mood for a thriller tonight." he said as he jummped off of the counter. "Me too, let's go", Shayde said. I walked into the the living room and told Leana that Brian was coming with us to the movies. "Alright guys, have fun. And Brian, don't do anything stupid", she gave him the "look". "Pshh, I won't Leanz", he laughed. We all walked to the car and Brian drove off to the thearter.
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It's pretty short, but that's just how this chapter came to be.
comments would be awesome!! XD