My Best Friends Daughter

Chpt. 6

As I was sitting on the sofa, with my legs crossed, I started flicking through the channels to see if they were giving anything interesting. So, as I did that, I looked to the corner of my eye not moving my head, but I could see Brian staring at my legs. Why was he looking, I thought to myself. I mean, he's 31 and im 17. Well, atleast he's just looking and not touching. Anyways, I didn't pay attention to it, especially since I stopped at channel 235. They were giving Planet Terror, love the movie. About 30 minutes into the movie, Shayde came barging downstairs, ready to go. "Im ready missy", she said as she was re-checking her hair in the living room mirror. "Good, now let's go", I said as I got up and grabbed my purse and keys fromn the coffee table. "Where are you two going?", my dad asked as he came downstairs in his towel exposing his bare chested body, infront of my best friend. "Gosh, daddy go put some clothes on", I said as I covered Shayde's eyes. "Oh please V, it's just a towel, now let me see", Shayde said as I shook my head in embaressment. "Uhh, we're going to go shopping, if you must know", I said as I smiled at my father. "Oh, ok. Do you need any money?", "No daddy, I have what I need, but thanks", "Alright then, call me every two hours to let me know your alright, ok. I don't want to get a phone call from the mourge asking me to come and identify two young girls", he said playing around. "I will, I will", I said as we walked towards the door. "You girls have fun now ya hear", Brian said. "We will, bye!" I said as I opened the door to my black Range Rover. We both got in and I started the car. I took my cell out of my purse and dailed Rouge's number. Rouge is one of mine and Shayde's best friends. As the phone started ringing, I reversed out of the drive way and started of to the rest of my day.

-Phone convo- riing, riing

Rouge- Hello?
Me- Hey girl! it's me, are you ready?
Rouge- Hey V, yeah im ready. Is Shayde with you?
Me- Yeah she's here. Is Kandyl still coming with us or what? I tried calling her earlier but she didn't answer her damn phone.
Rouge- Oh, yeah, umm she said that she's not gonna be able to come with us.
Me- Why?
Rouge- She couldn't find a babysitter for Raine. Her mom said that she needs to take the resposibility of being a "teen mom". And besides, the baby is sick.
Me- Aww, that sucks. Well, i'll call her later. But anyways girl, we'll be there in like, 10 minutes ok.
Rouge- Alrighty then, i'll be waiting.
Me- Ok, bye.
Rouge- Bye!

-Phone Clicks-

As I stopped a a red light, I rested my head against the head of the seat. All I could hear was Scream by the Misfits playing on the radio and Shayde tapping her fingers along with it. "So what hapend?", she asked as she began bobbing her head to the song. "Rouge is still comig but Kandyl isn't", I said as began driving again. "Aww, why not?", "She has to watch the baby", "Oooh, I understand, well, there's always next time", she said as she was searching through my CD's and then popping City of Evil in the cd player. "Yeah, we can do something next weekend", "Sounds good to me", Shayde said as I parked infront of Rouge's house. I honked the horn twice -beep beep-, and she was out the door. She hopped into the car and i began to drive, yet again. "Hey whores!!", Rouge said as she put her head in between mine and Shayde's seat. "Well that's now way to greet your best friends", Shayde said as she laughed. I smiled and shook my head. "So, where to first?", I asked keeping my eyes on the road. "I need to go to the mall and get a couple things from Hot Topic and Victorias Secret", Rouge said with a smile upon her beautifuly pale face. "And what do you need in Victorias Secret missy?", Shayde asked questiongly. "Something", she turned her head. "For Mark, huuh?", I asked. She shook her head and smiled a cheesy one. "Alrighty then Mall, here we come!!", I said as I got of the freeway.
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wow, these chapters a pretty short
but it's still a good story though, haha =D
commets? thoughts? anything!? <3