‹ Prequel: Make Me Whole Again
Sequel: I Hate Liking You

Faltered Love

Maybe this Isn't Love

< 3

I couldn’t hold back any longer. I’d broken this man and all I wanted to do was fix him, but how could I do that when I was the problem in the first place?

I reached out my arm to touch his but couldn’t make myself do it. Where was that stupid voice when I needed it? I didn’t know what to do right now.

"David…" I whispered through the thundering downpour, tears making new track through the rain already on my face.

I stood there, waiting form him to respond. I knew my voice had been too soft to hear, but somehow, I thought he would have heard me. Somehow, he would know I was right here, without even opening his eyes.

"I’m so sorry Cassy…" he said again, tilting his head back down.

I could see his own tears trailing their way from the corners of his still closed eyes.

I’d made him cry... The entire time I’d known him, I’ve never seen him cry, and now I made him do it. I had to fix this.

I extended my arm again, this time refusing to back down. My fingers were inches from his face when I froze. A pair of perfectly hazel eyes were suddenly staring down at me with a pained expression that just broke my heart. They looked me up and down before his hand slowly came up to grasp my own.

"Oh my gawd, you’re real," he said as he instantly threw himself towards me, wrapping me safely in his protective arms.

I sobbed into his shoulder as I squeezed him back.

"I saw you…" I heard him say through his tears, "…but I thought it wasn’t you… I thought it was just the rain…"

"David…" I tried to make my voice sound strong. "I need to tell you something."

Here was my ‘impromptu’ speech I’d been rehearsing in my head for weeks now.

"It killed me when I told you I didn’t love you anymore, but I really thought I didn’t. Then I thought that I’d made a big mistake, leaving you like that. But now I realize that I had to go away. I had to slip away from you to realize how much I’d miss you if you were gone."

That was kind of all I had. It was short, but it was everything. Well…almost everything.

"Because…" I looked up at him, "…I love you."

David let out a small breath as his lips spread into a wide smile, but his eyes were still sad.

"Can you forgive me?" he asked.

"Forgive you?" I let out a short, confused laugh. "For what? This is all my fault."

"I didn’t go after you," his words also seemed rehearsed. "And I should have. Then there was the Jamie thing…"

I assumed Jamie was the pretty blonde air-head. 'Pretty' menaing really blonde, not beautiful.

"I don’t care about her," fresh tears sprang up in my eyes. "That one was my fault. If I hadn’t of been so stupid in the first place I-"

I didn’t have time to even think about finishing my sentence because the familiar butterflies had suddenly began fluttering in my stomach as David cut me off, mid-sentence.

His lips fit perfectly against mine as my eyes instantly closed. Our bodies were once again wrapped around each other, my arms instinctively around his neck. In pure synchronization, I leaped up into him and he caught me, holding me up while I wrapped my legs around his waist.

It was like a movie scene, the two of us in the rain, twirling around with genuine...I donlt know...could it really be mutual love for each other? now that everything was out in the open. This couldn't be real, but if it wasn't, I didn't want to go back to reality. I was completely content to stay right here for the rest of my life.

I could feel my wet hair plastering itself to my face as I pulled back to look at him. I don’t know why I did that. I had nothing to say. I just wanted to see his face, to make sure this was actually him.

He smiled at me that smile that I’d never forgotten - crooked and perfect- making my own smile widen. He was so wonderful. Where did I ever go right in life? I closed my eyes as he leaned back in, placing his mouth right next to my ear.

"This isn’t love," he whispered.

"This isn’t just love," I corrected him.

"This is forever," his smile met my lips once again.
♠ ♠ ♠
((Sorry if that was cheesy.))
There you have it.
All finished. Fairytale ending n' all.
Or is it...?
That's up to you guys to decide. I'd need a bunch of feed back if I'm to start another one... even if it's not about David, again, you gugys decide ; )