Status: hiatus - wisdon teeth out :(


High school student Katee Tanner needed extra credit just to pass, so obviously she jumped at the chance. It was just supposed to be a quick walk around the city. Nothing big, difficult, or time consuming.

The trip was cut short, however, when an unseen stranger pulled out a gun and threatened their lives. All the students scattered in different directions.

This extra credit assignment turned into a living nightmare for Katee Tanner and a few other student when Katee wakes up to find herself a prisoner, kept entirely in the dark.

Barely alive, Katee has to find a way to escape, or come to grips with reality and give into the torture she fears she will be submitted to.
  1. November 16th
    "a pair of hands reached out and grabbed me"
  2. November 17th
    "My hands were chained above me"
  3. November 18th
    "heavy footsteps came my way"