The Dreamers

Chapter 1: The Reality

The pastel touched the surface of the rough canvas. Light brown turned into a

deep shade of violet. The pastel flew across the canvas as it crumbled into a waterfall of

vibrant color. Jon concentrated hard on the art he was busy creating. His eyes were

narrowed behind his glasses, his dark brown hair slicked back, and his brow covered in

sweat. Jon had closed the shades over the small, cracked windows in his three-room

apartment. Not a ray of light came from the windows. His room was illuminated by one

small desk lamp that stood in the middle of the room. If he were caught, he would die.

Jon spent hours on this new piece of art, slowly turning shapes and colors into forms

of humans and buildings. When he was finished, he wiped his brow free from sweat and

leaned back, looking contempt about his new artwork. It was a recreation of the Last

Supper. Jesus sat in the middle, his holy power made him nearly jump off the page. After a

few minutes of admiring his work, Jon covered up his recreation and hid it behind his old

sofa. As he was hiding the artwork, a knock came from the door. He jumped and showed

only a slight sign of fright before realizing he was expecting this visit.

“Come in!” Jon bellowed as he got back to work. The door swung open quietly, a thin,

young woman slid in through the door and silently closed it behind her. A worried look

covered her face.

“They passed the law.” Her voice trembled as the words crept passed her lips. Jon fell back

onto his sofa; he wasn’t surprised, nor shocked, instead he was angry. He glared at the

floor from behind his spectacles. Then stood up and threw his easel across the room. The

woman let out a small cry. The easel lay on the ground in pieces. In disbelief, Jon wheeled

around and turned on the television. A small bar at the bottom of the screen came into view

first. The date scrolled by on it.

"November 12, 2024"

A blonde-haired reporter appeared on the screen.

“President Sedwig has officially passed the Law Against Religious Leadership in an

attempt to finally end all religious beliefs here in the United States of America. Even now,

police have been picking up hundreds of religious leaders and taking them to High

Security Prisons all across the country…”

Jon turned off the TV and chucked the remote across the room. “Bull shit!” He barked at the

television. “They aren’t taking them to prison, they are taking them to some God-forsaken

warehouse and blasting their heads off!” Jon was turning a violet-red color. He couldn’t

believe it had all gone this far.

It had started about a year ago, the presidential elections had ended and the new

President was about to begin his term. What we didn’t know, was that he was part of a

secret society that was against all religions. They called themselves The Reality, insisting

that the belief in any superior being was just a dream made up by our ancestors. Before

anyone could put together the pieces, The Reality had weaseled enough members into the

House of Representatives and the Senate have the majority vote every time. And now, they

had the President of the United States of America on their side. The wave came slowly,

starting with the banishment of Freedom of Speech. Next, they took away the freedom to

meet in religious groups. Then they banished the use of any religious icons. They were

slowly taking away everything religious, and now, they were sentencing all religious

leaders to death. Jon furrowed his brow.

“They will come for you.” The woman whispered. Her hands were shaking. Jon looked up

at the woman; her forehead was covered with a bandana, hiding a bindi from prying eyes,

the sign of Hinduism. “My dear Radi, do not worry about me,” he grasped her shoulder with

his massive hand, “I can worry about myself, but right now, there is no time to worry about

me, we must go warn the others.”

With that, the two left the apartment and began hurrying down the long and winding stairs.
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©2009 Alexander Spriggs

Comments/Critiscism is appreciated. :)