The Dreamers

Chapter 10: The First Move

Everyone was back in Jon’s apartment. Now matter how cramped it was, Jon felt

like it was still empty. Mahavir and Andrew’s vacancy stuck out to Jon like a sore thumb.

Several others noticed the two men were gone as well. They all turned to Jon for answers.

Jon looked over at Radi who was standing next to him, her hand in his. He held on tighter

and returned his attention to the dreamers.

“During the past two days, several events have taken place. I am happy to say that both the

Pagans and the Satanists in the New York City area have agreed to join us. Only one

condition is left for us to meet, we need provisions, and lots of them. I will be appointing

members to gather provisions later today. I am sure you have all noticed by now that

Mahavir Singh and Andrew Gerard are not present for this meeting…” Jon was now

choking back tears, trying to keep himself from breaking down, “I am sorry to inform you

that, while we were meeting with Ikshu, one of Mahavir’s friends, Andrew was shot and

most likely killed by the police. We were not able to retrieve his body.”

Looks of shock and fear circled around the room. Many women broke out in tears, while the

men bowed their heads in silence. Someone in the back yelled, “Where’s Mahavir?” Jon

cleared his throat and proceeded.

“While Mahavir and myself went to meet the leader of the Pagans, she gave us a choice

that decided whether or not the Pagans and the Satanists joined our ranks or not. They

have a mission they need help with, and for the sake of The Dream, Mahavir agreed to

help. He is now inside a warehouse where the police have been keeping all of the

religious leaders captive. We do not know if he will make it out alive or not, but I am

keeping faith in his will to survive.”

Jon turned to see a tear roll down Radi’s cheek. He felt her grab his hand tighter.

“What we need now are people that are willing to fight and free the men and women that

are locked up in that God-forbidden warehouse. I am aware most of you would feel like you

are going against your religion by killing another man or woman, but this job may mean

committing that crime. I understand if the majority of you do not want to come, we will have

plenty of jobs that need to be done behind the line of fire, however, we can use as much

help as we can get on the front line, so, anyone who is willing to fight, please raise your


Jon was expecting only a few people to raise their hands. He was surprised to see the

majority of the group had their hands raised high. He looked over at Radi who was also

raising her hand. She smiled at him, her eyes shining.

“Jon, those are our brothers and sisters in that warehouse, you weren’t expecting us to

leave them there, did you?” a Sister of the Catholic Church had said this; she had her hand

raised high.

Radi spoke softly in Jon’s ear, “Besides, Mahavir is in there, many of us look up to him just

as much as we look up to you.”

Jon was smiling now, he wasn’t aware of how determined these people were, breaking

their religious guidelines or not, they knew it was the right thing to do.

“Thank you all for being so brave.”

Jon clapped his hands together and looked around the room.

“On to other business. Those of you who didn’t want to fight, you are in charge of getting

our provisions, we also need weapons. Anyone have access to a large supply of guns and


A small Rabbi raised his hand.

“I know a man who is a gun manufacturer, he can provide us with both.”

“Good, you and two others can go find him, but be careful, the police are searching every

nook and cranny in this town for us.”

Jon’s spirits were lifted. He watched as everyone scattered out of his apartment, The

Dream was about to make their first major move.

While Jon was busy making arrangements with the dreamers that weren’t going to fight,

Radi made her way to the bathroom. She slowly closed the door behind her. Once she

heard the door click shut, she burst out in tears. Her mascara dripped down her face. She

ran to the sink and turned it on. She splashed the cool water onto her face and looked at

herself in the mirror. A beautiful young Hindu woman stared back at her. Her long black

hair fell down past her shoulders. Her captivating brown eyes that made Jon ogle at her

when they were together looked scared. She didn’t want to fight, but then she remembered

her Guru, Mahavir. She bit her bottom lip and let anger engulf her. Anyone who would lock

up such a kind-hearted man was an enemy of hers. Then the thought of killing another

human being crept back into her mind and she started to cry again.

Jon opened the bathroom door to find Radi sulking in the corner. When she noticed him

she jumped up and embraced him with a warm hug, her soft skin against his rough skin

was welcoming. She whispered in his ear.

“I’m scared, Jon.” Jon could feel his shirt dampening from Radi’s tears. He pulled her back

and looked into her eyes.

“Radi, we are all scared, but we have to stay together, because as soon as we break apart,

we will lose,” Jon could see the fear in Radi’s deep brown eyes, “You don’t have to fight.”

She pulled away from him.

“Yes, I do!”

She turned away from him. Jon walked up behind her and grabbed onto her arms softly. He

leaned in and whispered in her ear.

“Mahavir would understand if you stayed behind.”

She turned back around and looked at Jon with tears in her eyes.

“I don’t want to…murder someone, Jon!”

The word brought another bout of sobbing and Jon tried to calm her again.

“I am not asking you to, in fact, I would rather have you stay behind. I don’t want you to be a

potential target, Radi.”

Radi leaned forward and kissed Jon warmly.

“Then I won’t go, not this time, but I will help Jonathan Rite. You can’t stop me.”

Jon smiled and brushed Radi’s long silky hair out of her face.

“I wouldn’t dream of stopping you.”

Radi jumped onto Jon and kissed him, her legs wrapped around his waist. Jon clumsily

closed the bathroom door behind them. The two lovers spent the rest of the night in the

♠ ♠ ♠
©2009 Alexander Spriggs

Sorry for the delay on this chapter.

Comments/Critiscism is appreciated! :D