The Dreamers

Chapter 2: The Note

Jon and Radi hurried down the rusty, old winding staircase. The apartment

building had been abandoned years ago; it was Jon’s hideout and home ever since he

noticed that America was taking a turn for the worse. When they finally made it to ground

level, Radi pointed Jon in the direction of her car. “We need to find out where Father Jacob

and Mother Josie are hiding.” Jon said quickly as they rushed to the small, blue Toyota that

Radi drove.

“Yes, they should also know where everyone else is.” Radi jumped into the driver’s seat

and revved up the engine. All of a sudden, it came to Radi’s attention that there was a flaw

in their plan. She turned to Jon. “They have road blocks all across the city, Jon. How are we

going to get you through?” Radi asked in a worried tone. Jon worked his squared jaw and

looked in the back seat of the car.

“Can you take those cushions out?” he asked with curiosity. Radi looked at him


“Yes, but I don’t see how that will do us any good.”

“I have an idea.” Jon jumped out of the shotgun seat and got to work.

He pulled the bottom cushions off of the seats and revealed a plastic bottom, just as he

expected. He pulled out a small hunting knife and began to cut the cushions in half. Once

they were all cut in half, he took about half of the filling out of each one and then lied one

half of each cushion back onto the seat. He turned to Radi, “I will lay down here, I need you

to put the other halves of the cushions on top of me, ok?” Radi nodded, and got out of the

driver’s seat. Once Radi was convinced that the disguise was good enough, she climbed

back into the driver’s seat and began to drive towards the cathedral where Father Jacob

and Mother Josie used to worship before that right was taken away from them.

There was a roadblock ahead. Radi began to get nervous; she barely made it through on

her way to Jon’s. She prayed they wouldn’t make her take off the bandana. As they

approached the roadblock, Radi put on a determined face. The officer looked into the car,

his eyes couldn’t be seen behind the giant aviator sunglasses he was wearing. Another

officer checked her trunk. After they were done checking the car, the officer began to ask

her questions. “What’s your name?” He was using a deep monotone voice; no emotion

came from the man.

“I am Radi Patel, I just came through this roadblock about fifteen minutes ago.” Radi’s

forehead began to sweat. The officer looked her up on his laptop, after several long,

dreaded minutes, the officer gave her the signal to continue. Once Radi had made it a few

miles down the road, she let out a huge sigh, “Thank Vishnu.”

Radi pulled up to the curb just outside the cathedral. Jon whispered to her, “I will wait here,

go see if you can find the Father.”

Radi slowly got out of the car, looking around for any signs of the police. She quickly

scurried over to the building and took a peek inside. On the floor of the cathedral there was

a small note. Radi picked it up and read it carefully.

“J&J under M’s house.”

It was scribbled very messily as if someone was in a hurry. Radi could barely read it.

Luckily, she knew exactly what it meant. She hurried back out to her car and turned on the

ignition. “Where are they?” asked Jon from inside the seat cushions. Without turning

around Radi answered:

“They are in the basement of Mahavir’s house.” She pulled away from the curb and drove

in the direction of her Guru’s house.
♠ ♠ ♠
©2009 Alexander Spriggs

Comments/Critiscism is appreciated. :)