The Dreamers

Chapter 3: A Plan

Radi was stopped at two more roadblocks before they reached the household of

Mahavir Singh. Mahavir’s house was a small white house in a suburb of New York City.

His front lawn consisted of a lush, colorful garden and a white picket fence, very much like

your every day American house. Radi and Jon walked up to the front door and rang the

doorbell. Nobody answered. Radi began to get nervous and tried knocking on the door.

After the first knock, the door opened on it’s own, revealing an empty house.

Radi felt like all hope was lost, but Jon pushed forward. “Where is the stairway to the

basement?” Radi pointed to a door at the end of the main hall.

Jon walked over to it, determined, he pushed the door open to reveal a dark stairway. He

walked down it cautiously. At the bottom of the stairs he whispered, “Mahavir? Josie?

Jacob? Are you there? It’s me, Jonathan Rice.” Instantly the lights were turned on and Jon

was being picked up by a large, muscular man.

“Jonathan Rice! How good it is to see you! And where might be my young student Radi?”

Radi walked down the stairs and waved, shyly. Mahavir dropped Jon and picked up the

small, delicate Radi. “How good it is to see the two of you!” Mahavir was overwhelmed with

joy. After Jon’s vision was refocused, he could see the old Father and Mother in a corner,

huddled together.

“Father Jacob and Mother Josie how are the two of you? You both look shaken.” Jon said

in a warm, caring voice.

“That we are, Pastor! All of this nonsense about God being fake! What has the world come

to? And now they are putting religious leaders in prison? I highly doubt that is even true! I

haven’t heard anything from Mother Paula since they had taken her away for carrying a

cross in public. They said they put her in the slammer, but if they did, then why isn’t there

any record of her ever being in a prison? Those devil worshippers will get what’s commin

to them, so help me God!” The old Father ranted on and on about the wrong doings of The

Reality, calling them “devil worshippers”.

“Ah, but that’s where you have it wrong, Father. I have heard that even the satanic cults are

getting hit by these new laws, even more so then us. These men and women that are part

of The Reality are much, much worse.” Jon interjected while massaging his temples. He

was getting a headache from the abrupt amount of noise that was being gathered in the

small confinements of Mahavir’s basement.

“Oh yes, and the Pagans too! Those poor old chaps, they are very nice people. Even if

they do not believe in God.” Mother Josie had joined the conversation, her warm motherly

voice soothing all of our nerves.

“Enough chit chat. Jon, we can’t stay here forever, you know that. We need a real hiding

place, not the basement of a Guru’s house. They will surely find us here.” Mahavir said,

putting down the helpless Radi who had been crushed from the man’s bear hug.

“I have a place where we can all stay, and when I say all, I mean everyone. What we need

to do is get everyone to the old apartment building I have been living in for the past few

months. You know the place Mahavir. I am more concerned about the religious leaders

then the followers at the moment, so anyone you know, send them my way. If they refuse,

God be with them.” Jon recited his idea to the others and they all agreed the apartment

building was the best place to hide.

“Jon, you and Radi need to take the Father and Mother to the apartment building. They

can’t do it themselves. I will start contacting the others the best I can. Do the two of you

have a way to get past the roadblocks?” Mahavir asked, even though he knew that they

must since they made it to Mahavir’s house without Jon being killed.

“Yes, we can hide them under the back seat cushions, but I can only take one at a time.”

Radi replied.

“Okay, then take Mother Josie first, then Father Jacob. Jon, you will help me contact the

other leaders.” Mahavir directed his attention towards Jon.

Jon nodded and looked into Radi’s eyes. “You be careful, ok?”

Radi blushed and nodded, then said, “I will be fine, and it is you that I am worried about.”

With that, she and Mother Josie headed up the stairs and out to the car. Jon returned his

attention to the task at hand. Contacting the others.
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©2009 Alexander Spriggs

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