The Dreamers

Chapter 6: Jason

Jon, Mahavir, and Andrew walked down Main St. They looked like quite the odd

group. A large dark skinned man with a black headband, a small, brawny, chalk-white man

with bright red hair, and a short, tan man that looked too muscular for his height. They all

had long, black overcoats on, the collars pulled up to try and hide their faces. They walked

a few more blocks down Main St. until they turned into The Second Century Midnight Club

and vanished from sight.

Jon pulled his overcoat off and walked up to the sweaty-smelling bar and called for the

bartender. A greasy, muscular man came up to him, polishing a mug all the while with a

dirty towel. He grunted at Jon. “Whadda ya want?”

“I am looking for a little ‘redemption’.” Jon replied, giving the bartender a wink.

The bartender looked around cautiously then looked back to Jon. “Follow me,” he said, and

shuffled out from behind the bar and walked over to a small back door of the club. He

wrestled with a large ring of keys until he found the one he was looking for. He put it in the

keyhole and opened the door. As the door opened, a tattoo was revealed on the back of

the man’s wrist. It was the sign of the devil. Jon shrugged it off and walked down the dark

stairs, Mahavir and Andrew following close behind.

A small flickering light bulb was hanging at the bottom of the stairway, barely illuminating

the room. At the far walls of the room, men and women stood guard, all were carrying some

kind of weapon, and most had a tattoo of some sort revealing their membership in the Cult

of Abaddon. As Jon and his friends walked past them, they glared at them with cold, dark

eyes. One man cocked his shotgun as a warning. If this meeting didn’t go well, they

wouldn’t make it out of this room alive.

At the opposite side of the room there was a small door, Jon, Mahavir, and Andrew walked

towards it. When Jon reached to open the door, a large man stepped in their path; the large

pentagram tattooed on his neck stared at Jon almost as coldly as the man’s eyes. “What is

your business here?” the man asked, spitting each word out like it was venom.

“We are here to ask your leader for help.” Jon replied.

“Jason doesn’t help anyone, especially those with the likes of you.” The man snarled and

Mahavir pushed Jon out of the way so he could stand face to face with the Satanist.

“You WILL let us speak to Jason.” Mahavir snarled and glared at the man.

“And who is going to make me?” The cultist countered. Jon was afraid Mahavir was going

to get them all killed.

“I am going to make you, Jared.” A smaller man with long black hair intervened; his body

was covered in satanic tattoos. He looked like a walking piece of demonic art. Jared

instantly backed off and got on his knees.

“I am sorry, Jason, forgive me.” Jason looked down at the man and smiled.

“Don’t be sorry, Jared, you did your job. I may need you to do your other job in the future, so

stay close.” Jason smiled wickedly and opened his office door. “Please, come in,” his voice

sounded like the hissing of a snake. He extended his arm into his office as a welcoming,

Mahavir was the first to enter, the others followed suit.

Jason sat down at his desk, his arms folded and his head bowed, he was thinking very

deeply, from what Jon could tell. He finally looked up and gave them all a wicked smile.

“You must be members of The Dream. The last remaining religious leaders in the New York

City area,” his eyes gleamed as if he enjoyed the idea, “That is, besides myself and the

leader of the Pagans, Jessica.” He stood up and walked around the three dreamers who

were all seated. “What an,…honor… it is to have the minority religions come knocking at

my door for help,” he dragged the tips of his fingers across Jon’s sleeve as he circled the

three men, “and how ironic it is, that on normal terms, you would consider me an enemy, a

man who has committed worse then the ultimate sin,” he fell down and grabbed the back of

Mahavir’s seat and whispered in his ear, “Although, I will admit to committing quite a few of

the ultimate sins before.” He snickered and sat back down at his desk. He lay back in his

seat and folded his arms; his face became very serious all of a sudden. “So, my enemies,

what brings you here today?”

Jon leaned forward, “We plan to fight back against the government of America, and we

need your help.” Jason burst out into laughter. He laughed so hard he looked like he was

about to cry. He finally got back a hold of himself. “Ah, dreamers, you are clueless aren’t

you. We Satanists have been fighting a war for the past four months!” He fell back into

laughter again. When he regained himself and wiped a tear from his eye, he continued,

“So, I suppose you expect us to come crawling to your mercy, and help? I don’t think so, we

are doing just fine on our own.” Jason frowned hard and went back to leaning back in his


“We are not asking you to bow down to us, we are asking you to join, and help us.” Mahavir


“We have a spot where you can hide, a better spot then here, in due time they will find you

in this basement, but, it will take years for them to find where we are living.” Jon added.

Jason seemed to become a little more interested. He furrowed his brow.

“A better hiding place, I see… Do you have weapons? Provisions we can use?” Jason

asked, curious.

“No, we don’t have either, we can go out and get food easily, but weapons, we can’t help

there.” Jon said, defeated. Jason smiled a curious smile and leaned forward.

“I will tell you what, the Cult of Abaddon will agree to join ranks with you, under a few

conditions,” Jon had a bad feeling that Jason was about to ask something impossible from

The Dream, “One, you get the provisions we need. Water, food, medicine. All that jazz,” he

stood up and put his right foot on top of his desk and leaned forward, “Two, you find a way

to get guns and ammunition for all of us,” he grinned, obviously thinking The Dream

couldn’t even accomplish that task, “And three, you convince Jessica’s group of Pagans to

join you.” Jason smiled the widest, most wicked smile he could. Jon crossed to shake

hands with Jason.

“Deal, but, we will need to know where Jessica is.”

Jason’s smile grew even wider, something Jon didn’t think was possible. “Well, if what I

have heard is true, Jessica and her band of Pagans are hiding somewhere underneath

Celestial Park. How they found a tunnel there, I don’t know, but that isn’t for me to worry

about, that is in your hands now.” Jason’s eyes had a wicked gleam to them. Jon felt like

this task was officially something impossible to complete. He was about to argue about

their third task, but before he could, Mahavir was hurrying them out the door.

“Thank you, Jason, leader of the Cult of Abaddon, we will meet again,” his sweet, low voice

calming Jon’s nerves a bit. When they were out of the club, Jon turned to Mahavir and


“How in God’s name are we going to find that Pagan hideout?!” Mahavir quieted Jon and

looked around to see if anyone had overheard him. Luckily, no one had. Mahavir looked

down at Jon and smiled warmly.

“Luckily for you, Jon, I know someone who used to work on the landscaping team at

Celestial Park. I wouldn’t doubt that he knows a way underneath it.” His eyes looked as if

they were laughing. Jon’s heart skipped a beat from the excitement. He embraced Mahavir,

attempting to give him a bear hug.

“Have I ever told you that you are the best, Mahavir?” Mahavir laughed heartily.

“No, Jon, you haven’t but I already knew that.” The three men walked back down Main

Street and returned to the apartment building by nightfall.
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©2009 Alexander Spriggs

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