The Dreamers

Chapter 7: Sewers

Mahavir knocked lightly on the front door of his friend, Ikshu’s house. Jon and Andrew stood

behind him, waiting. After a few seconds, a short squirrelly looking man opened the door just enough to

see through the crack, when he saw it was Mahavir, he opened it the rest of the way and embraced

Mahavir’s hand with a shake. “Mahavir! Good to see you! Come in! Come in!” Mahavir and Jon entered,

Jon ordered Andrew to keep watch outside.

“Hello Ikshu, this is Jonathan Rite. He is a good friend of mine.” Mahavir waved his hand in Jon’s

direction. Jon nodded at the small man.

“Good to meet you, Jonathan Rite, I hope my home isn’t too much of a mess.” Ikshu seemed very

anxious; Jon rubbed off the odd feeling he was getting about the man. If he is a friend of Mahavir’s he is

a friend of mine. Jon shook the man’s small hand.

“Good to meet you as well, Ikshu, and your house is quite lovely.” Ikshu smiled, then turned back to


“So, what brings you to my quaint little home, Mahavir?” Ikshu asked with a curious look on his face.

“I was hoping you could help us with a little project we have.” Mahavir responded, folding his arms.

Ikshu’s mind seemed to be wandering; he slowly came back to himself.

“Oh, yes, I hope I can be of help. Come, follow me.” He scurried out of sight into his kitchen. Jon and

Mahavir followed.

Andrew sat down in front of the door, fiddling with a small blade of grass. He didn’t like how he was being

dragged around as no more then a posse member, he wanted to get in on some of the action, and he

wanted to help. A shadow was cast over Andrew and he looked up. Three police officers stood in his

path, he nearly whimpered but regained his stoic look of surprise, and he wasn’t planning on blowing the

whole mission.

“Hello officers, how may I help you?” he asked, keeping a calm voice.

“We are looking for a man named Mahavir Singh, a Hindu Guru, he has been seen traveling here with

two friends, do you know him?”

Andrew shuddered. They had been caught.

“Ummm, I can’t say that I do, sir.”

Playing dumb was all Andrew could think of. The officers noticed how nervous Andrew was getting, they

whispered amongst themselves.

“Sir, we are going to have to do a face scan on you, if you would please step to the…”

The officer didn’t get a chance to finish, Andrew had lunged himself into the man’s gut and was now

running across the front lawn towards the street.

Mahavir and Jon sat down at the dinner table Ikshu kept in his kitchen. Ikshu put on a kettle of water and

sat down across from the two companions.

“We were wondering if you knew anything about some kind of tunnel underneath Celestial Park.”

Mahavir asked in the calmest voice he could.

Ikshu was taken by surprise.

“Actually, I do know of one, but it isn’t exactly a tunnel…” He ran off into another room and could be

heard searching through desks and drawers. He finally came back with a big map of Celestial Park and

the streets around it. He pointed to a sewage tunnel entrance on one of the streets. “This sewage tunnel

goes right underneath the Park, that is the only entrance I could think of.”

Mahavir and Jon looked at each other with equally dumbfounded looks. Everything made a hell of a lot

more sense to both of them. “Ikshu, could you lend this map to us please? I will return it to you as soon

as I can.” Mahavir asked in the kindest voice he could. Ikshu looked very confused.

“Umm…sure thing. Anything for you, Guru.”

Mahavir picked up the map, folded it and stuck it in his pocket. As he did so, a gunshot rang through the

house. The three men jumped up. Ikshu looked absolutely terrified. Jon turned to Mahavir.

“They have found us.”

They both looked to Ikshu, who was curled up in a ball. Mahavir grabbed onto Ikshu’s shoulders and

forced the man to look into his eyes. “Is there another way out of your house?” Ikshu looked stunned,

but slowly lifted his hand and shakily pointed to the kitchen window. Mahavir picked up Ikshu and walked

over to the window, he stared at Jon. “Jon, open the window.” Jon followed his directions without

hesitation. Mahavir through Ikshu out the window and turned to Jon. “You’re next.”

Jon got up on top of the kitchen counter and crawled through the window. As he did, heard the front door

of the house burst open. He turned to see Mahavir standing in the kitchen. One police officer had found

his way into the kitchen; however, he didn’t react to the sight of Mahavir in time. Mahavir swung his fist at

the man and nailed him right in the jaw. Jon heard the crack of bones. Mahavir turned towards the

window and yelled, “Jon! Get OUT OF MY WAY!” Jon ducked; a split second later he saw Mahavir fly

through the window. The giant man ducked his head in and rolled to his feet. He picked up the still

shocked Ikshu and beckoned for Jon to follow.

The two men ran to the end of the yard and jumped the fence. They found themselves in another

backyard that looked relatively the same as Ikshu's yard and continued running forward. The two men

continued their flight for what seemed like hours to Jon.

Every passing minute, Jon felt like he could hear the officers behind him, which encouraged him to run

faster. By the time they stopped, they were in the middle of one of the many city parks, hiding

underneath a clump of bushes that were up against an old pine tree. Night had fallen and they were all

breathing very heavily. Jon poked his head out from behind the bushes and noticed a sign that was

illuminated by one of the streetlights. In big, yellow letters, it had the words, “Celestial Park” written in

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©2009 Alexander Spriggs

Comments/Criticism is appreciated! :D