The Dreamers

Chapter 9: Motorcycles

The roadblock was straight ahead. Mahavir looked on calmly as he faced his

capture. He sighed heavily and thought over the plan. He remembered the reason he was

doing this, too save hundreds of lives. He pulled up to the roadblock and rolled down his


“Sir, can we please have some identification?”

Mahavir pulled out his driver’s license and handed it to the officer. The man checked

Mahavir’s name on his small laptop.

“Mahavir Singh? Is that correct?”

Mahavir nodded, he knew he was about to face the judgement of The Reality.

“I am going to have to ask you to step out of the car.”

Mahavir did as instructed; the officer searched his body then put handcuffs around

Mahavir’s bulky wrists.

“You are under arrest for teaching the Hindu religion to the citizens of New York City.

Anything you say can and will be use against you in the court of law.”

“Bull shit. I am not getting a fair trial and you know it.” Mahavir spat at the officer. The officer


“As a matter of fact, you won’t be getting a trial at all.”

The officer shoved Mahavir into the back seat of his own car, the officer took up the driver’s

seat and pulled away from the roadblock, letting his partner know he would be back soon.

Jon’s heart sank as he watched Mahavir’s car pull away from the roadblock. He was hiding

behind a small building with Jessica, Jason, and a few of their followers. All had

motorcycles. Jon didn’t know how to drive a motorcycle, so he was stuck riding behind a

nice pagan woman named Shelby. She promised to give him as smooth a ride as she

could, for that, he was thankful.

Jason gave the signal to commence the beginning of their mission. One lone motorcyclist

drove up to the roadblock, as he came closer, instead of slowing to a stop, he sped

through. The policemen at the roadblock scrambled, they all jumped into their police cars

and drove off to chase the wild motorcycle, sirens blaring. Once the police cars were out of

sight, the rest of the group started up their bikes and drove down the road, trying to make

up the time they had lost.

The mob of motorcycles kept a good distance behind Mahavir’s car. One motorcyclist

stayed closer up to keep an eye on the car. From the cop’s point of view, only one

motorcycle was following him. The trip was longer then Jon expected, the cop had brought

the band of dreamers out of the city and into the outskirts of the island. Finally, the car

stopped at a giant, fenced in warehouse. The building was made entirely out of cement and

looked cold and barren. Jason gave the party the signal to stop. Everyone pulled off the

road and found a nice spot to hide their bikes behind a few trees. A few people pulled out

binoculars. Jon was offered a pair and he took them gratefully.

Jon adjusted the binoculars so he could see what was happening outside the warehouse.

He noticed several security men walking around inside the fence carrying large guns with

them, some even had dogs with them. After studying the guards for a few more seconds,

Jon returned his attention to Mahavir’s car. The cop had gotten out and called over for a

few guards. They opened the door so Mahavir could get out. He towered over the men; Jon

knew he could easily take out at least three of them. The guards forced Mahavir over

towards the door of the warehouse. When the door was opened, Jon could see only a few

feet inside the warehouse, but that was enough to shock him beyond comparison. What he

saw were ghastly faces of men and women, all looked starved and nearly dead. He

couldn’t bear looking at the poor men and women who had once been great leaders of

religion. Mahavir stood in the doorway and was shoved in. The guards closed the door

behind him and locked it.

Jon looked over to where Jason was standing, he was also looking through a pair of

binoculars, and his face had a grave expression etched across it. Jon tapped on his


“What is our next move?”

Jason looked over to Jon and weakly smiled, his eyes still showed the shock he had

experienced from seeing the ghastly faces of the imprisoned.

“Our next move is to camp out here and watch the movement of the security. We also need

to find out if that is an electrical fence. Some of the men will be heading back into the city to

get more men and women to join the fight. I want you to go back to your group of dreamers

and get as many people that are willing to fight down here.”

Jon looked like he had just been hit square in the face with a giant rock.

“Are you telling me, we are going to leave Mahavir in there for another couple of days?”

Jon felt like he had been betrayed.

“You said we would be able to get him out of there alive! He could be dead in two days!”

Jon was in a loss of words. His fury began to grow inside him.

“Jon, Mahavir will be okay. He is a strong man, stronger then any of my men. He will

understand if it takes us a few days, and I promise you, we will get him out of there alive.”

Jon cooled down a bit. He wanted to gouge Jason’s eyes out, but he kept his cool.

“Okay, I will go get as much help as I can, I will also get those guns you wanted.”

Jason smiled.

“That will be two of the three conditions, Jon. One more and you will have yourself an


Jason patted Jon on the shoulder. Jon was too upset and shocked to be happy, so he just

turned around and headed towards Shelby who was waiting for Jon on the motorcycle. Jon

hopped onto the bike behind Shelby and closed his eyes. As the motor started, a single

tear dropped from Jon’s eye.
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©2009 Alexander Spriggs

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