

Rule one: Never be seen by a creature other than a faery.

Rule two: Never Fall in love with a creature other than a faery.

Rule three: Never break these rules.

“Ow.” Kagura said as her mother tugged on her hair, as she was brushing it. “That hurts!”
“Well if you want long hair it will cost.” Her mother replied. Kagura looked up into the round mirror in front of her and studied her own face. Her pale skin was flawlessly beautiful eliminated by the bright expression in her eyes. Her cheeks had always been rosy pink and her lips pale red. Her hair fell in ringlets down on her shoulders and cascading down her back.
“Are you going out for your morning fly?” asked her mother.
“Yes, I need some fresh air.” Kagura stood up and let her silk pink dress hang loosely over her slender body. She took a deep breath and made her way out of the bedroom door and towards the front door. Opening it a surge of hot air flooded through the door. Ah. Nice. She thought.
Kagura stepped out into the dark tree’s that stood in front of her and spread her wings out around her. They were glittering like the sun above her and the stunning sight turned the heads of faeries walking and flying by.
She lifted her feet off the floor and made her way elegantly to the tree tops; her wings fluttering behind her and the warm wind whistling through her beautiful blond hair. As she reaches the top she slowed and sat on the highest branch.
“Beautiful.” She whispered as she looked out at the view in front of her. Snowy mountains filled the sky ahead and birds are flying freely through the clouds above them, tweeting and singing songs. In the distance she could see a human village, cottages all huddled together and a clock tower exceeding over them. Hmm… I wonder? Could I just peak? No. It’s against the rules. I can’t be seen, it would be too risky. But I have always been careful before… No one will know.
Kagura soared up and over the remaining tree tops and made her way towards the village at the bottom of the mountain. As she travelled closer to the village a male human came into view. Kagura darted behind a watering can and spied on him. He was hanging out clothes on a line. Kagura watched him with interest. He’s good looking. I want to talk to him. No, I can’t.
Kagura made to turn back when there was a huge bark behind her.
“Argh!” screamed Kagura. Without thinking she flew up into the air. The man shrieked with fright and shock at the sight of her. There eyes met and Kagura flew off instantly, the dog chasing after her and barking frantically.
“No! Wait! Come back!” cried the man. But she was already gone.
Kagura flew as fast as she could, over the trees and in to her house; without looking back. Oh no… Her face was plastered with fear and shock. She had never felt the way she did when their eyes met before. What was it? I feel all fuzzy.
Her mother was sitting on a chair in the corner of the room reading a book. She looked up and smiled at Kagura to welcome her. The smile froze on her face, when she saw the state Kagura was in.
“What’s happened?!” she cried jumping up from her seat and rushing over to her. Kagura stood there in shock at what had happened. She had broken the rules, all three of them.
“I…I was seen.” She choked.
“I was seen. I went to near the village and was seen by a… a human.”
“Oh my,” Her mother looked on lost for words. “You need to forget about it. Otherwise you will be sentenced to d-death.”
Kagura looked at her mother. A tear rolled down her cheek. I can’t forget about him. Her mother whipped the tear off her cheek and looked solemnly at her.
“Why are you crying, sweet?”
“It’s nothing mother.”
A clatter came from outside making Kagura jump. She spun round and looked out the door. There was no-one there. She looked down and at her feet was one of the small garden pots. It was split and shattered from the fall. Kagura took another look around and slipped back inside.
“Perhaps you should go get some sleep. You were gone a long time.”
A few hours later a knock came from the front door. Kagura emerged from her bedroom and made her way to open it, but before she got there the door was opened and a stream of people rushed in. Three men grabbed her and pulled her to them. The others were neighbours, they looked angry.
They can’t have found out surely?! Who… would do this? Mother… no…
“Why are you doing this?!” Kagura screamed, struggling to get away from the three men’s firm grip.
“Do you need to ask?! You were seen!” One of them snarled at her. “You have risked the secret of our world!”
“NO!” tears ran down Kagura’s cheeks followed by sobs. “No! I didn’t!”
“We have witnesses! You cannot deny it!”
“And who would that be?!”
“Does it matter? You must die!”
Kagura screamed. Who?! The only one who knows is mother! She wouldn’t do such a thing! She wouldn’t!
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