Sequel: Supernova Love
Status: Active

Whatever Happened To Needing No One?

Chapter Four

The week went by pretty fast. Work kept me busy everyday and in the evenings Jenna and Adam always had something planned...for the first few days anyways. On top of getting used to having Adam around all the time, Brent and Kris seemed to be around the apartment a lot. I didn’t really mind...I kind of liked having them around. They keep things enjoyable and easy-going. The last 3 days were quiet around here because there was no Adam, no Brent and no Kris thanks to a pair of away games. One thing I've learned about Jenna is that not having Adam around makes her unbearable to be with. She gets irritable, touchy, moody, and crazy bitchy. I was so happy that they were getting back tonight because I’m pretty sure I would kill her if I had to put up with her any longer.
For the last couple of hours Jenna had been rushing around the house cleaning up and making dinner. You would think that she was getting ready for a first date...but no. She is cooking dinner for Adam, whom she has been with for almost a year, Brent, Kris, Pat and another of their team mates that I have yet to meet. Jenna! Calm down. You're stressing me out with this! I told her as she bounded past me for the millionth time.

Well maybe if you helped I wouldn't have to be rushing around like a crazy person!

You're the one who offered to have 5 big guys over for dinner. You want them here so bad you can cook for them.
She sent me a glare and went back into the kitchen muttering what I assumed to be awful things about me. When the door opened and I heard a handful of rowdy male voices I was relieved that I no longer had to deal with evil Jenna. Happy Jenna was soon to grace us with her presence. Thank god.

You miss us, CC? Kris asked as he squeezed my shoulders playfully. CC, the nickname I was so lovingly given, stands for Canadian Club...a type of Rye the guys like to drink. Rye...Ryah...that’s where they got it from. Anyways, it tends to turn into C squared or C to the C depending on who’s saying it.

Uh huh.

Say it like you mean it next time.
He ruffled up my hair as he walked away.

RYAH! Jenna shrieked from the kitchen. Go get those other placemats from the hall closet! I got up and did as I was ordered. It took me a few minutes since the box was all the way on the top shelf. She probably sent me on purpose to torture me with reminders of how vertically challenged I am because I didn't help her with her silly little dinner. That was so Jenna. I got the stupid placemats and began walking towards the kitchen. I turned the corner and before I knew it I was flat on my back and squished. What the fuck?!

Oh my god! Déjà vu! I heard that voice and knew exactly who was on top of me without even opening my eyes. It was Mr. You won’t regret dating me.

Ow. I muttered.

Are you okay?!

We really need to stop meeting like this.
I opened my eyes and his face was closer to mine than I expected. It startled me slightly and, if he wasn’t still on top of me, it would have been one of those moments where I jumped backwards. He was smirking down at me as I broke our silence. Well...I hate to end this little moment, Jonathan but I..

So you do remember me?

It’s kind of hard to forget a guy who literally knocks you off your feet the minute you meet him.
He grinned and opened his mouth to say something when Kris popped his head in the hallway.

CC! Jenna wants those...woah. He stopped mid sentence when he saw Jonathan on top of me. Am I interrupting? I pushed him off of me.

Not at all. I said rising to my feet and Jonathan passed me the placemats that flew out of my hands when he tackled me.

Don't even think about it, Tazer...I saw her first. Kris said jokingly.

No you didn't. Jonathan answered way too seriously as he continued in the direction he was going before our little encounter. Kris turned his eyes on me waiting for an explanation. I just shrugged.

I don't even know where to start.I said as I went the other way. I didn't know where to start! What were the odds that the cocky guy I met on the floor of the United Center would be this ‘Tazer’ I’ve heard the guys talking about? Well...I guess it's not all that far fetched. Afterall he was at the arena where the team plays and he was fully decked out in hockey gear. My mind drifted back to a few moments ago...god he looked good in normal clothes. He looked so put together, so slick but casual at the same time.

How do you and Tazer know each other? Kris asked, startling me out of my thoughts. I hadn't realized he was following me.

Ryah doesn't know Jonny. Jenna answered for me as she took the placemats out of my hands.

I think she knows Tazer better than any of us know Tazer. He said with a little innuendo in his voice.

No, no, no! I don't know him like THAT! I replied quickly feeling my cheeks go warm. We met last week. That's all. I walked into the kitchen trying to find something to do, hoping that they would drop it. Why was I getting so worked up over this? I took a deep breath in...this was gonna be one interesting dinner. I could feel it.
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this one was originally longer, but it felt right to end this chapter here. enjoy and comment please :)