Finding Me Out


He pulled up in front of her house and turned off his lights on the car. He let out a heavy sigh before glancing in the direction of her home.

It still looked the same on the outside; the same red brick that went halfway up before it changed to brown siding and red shutters by the windows. All the windows had white flowy curtains except hers. Hers were a dark purple to compliment the light blue color of her room.

The house was dark except for the one room lighted in the front of the house. He could see people inside and they looked to be enjoying themselves.

Then he saw her golden hair in near to perfect waves, falling over her shoulders softly. Her fiery blue eyes had to have been surrounded by a light brown shimmer from her eye shadow and he knew they looked amazing.

He knew that she was laughing with her friends and having a few drinks.

He knew she was happy. Or at least he thought she looked happy.

He smiled to himself and watched her house from the window of his car.

She was well aware of the familiar car that pulled up, but she tried her best to ignore it. Whenever her friends weren’t looking, she’d check back outside to see if he was still there.

She sighed knowing that he wouldn’t come in and sweep her off her feet like she thought he would.

“Emma?” Her best friend said trying to get her attention, “Emma!”

She shook her head before turning a little red in the cheeks, “Sorry.”

“What were you looking at?” She asked, furrowing her eyebrows and looking outside.

“Nothing,” Emma mumbled and got up off the couch, heading for the kitchen.

“You were looking at something,” Her friend said following her.
“It was nothing Rikki,” Emma said avoiding the subject at all costs.
“Oh really,” Rikki said making that face that Emma knew a little too well.

“Whatever,” Emma huffed and walked back out into the living room. She stopped to look out the window and his car was gone.

“Damnit,” She whispered under her breath.

“Emma, can you please just tell me why you are so hell bent on sitting in this exact spot every minute of the day?” Rikki asked standing in front of Emma while she sat and stared out the window.

“Maybe he’ll come back,” Emma said in a hushed voice.
“Who will come back?”
“He’ll come back,” She said confidently, “I know it.”

“Who the hell are you talking about?”

Emma gave Rikki a look.

“Oh,” She said, “OH!”

Emma nodded.

“You still have feelings for that kid,” Rikki said sitting down next to her, “Jeez!”

“He was like, the first one,” Emma said reminiscing in the moments of her youth.
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one more chpater and that's it :]