Status: Completed. No More Chapters.

The Best You Never Had


We had all made up, but what was I going to do? Strify who may have grown feelings for me or Kiro who has grown feelings for me and it was a fact?

I left all of the boys and headed to my bunk to relax. I was able to relax for a good 10 minutes before someone came to my bunk. I took my headphones off and looked at who was here beside me. When I looked up I saw Strify.

“Oh hi” I said getting up.

“Uhm hey” he said as he played with his hands. “Listen about back there I think I was maybe starting to fall for you, but it’s nothing serious. That is if you don’t want it to be” he said sounding nervous.

“I don’t know, I never really thought about it until now, and I really never knew how Kiro felt, well yeah sure I knew he liked me, but loved me?”

“I knew, he told me not to tell you”

“So you knew and decided to go along with my plan?” I questioned furiously. How could he do such a thing to his own best friend?

“I know, but you heard Kiro, he’s not mad”

“You’re lucky he isn’t. Imagine if he was” I yelled

“Keep your voice down and don’t ‘what if’ on me, just think about what is” he whispered.

“Hey guys, oh, I’ll leave” Yu said as he backed off. He still knew nothing.

“I want you to apologize to Kiro” I told him sternly.

‘I will”

“Right now”


“Because I want to see you do it”

‘Fine” he mumbled as we found him on the couch stretched out on top of Shin and Rom3o.

“Kiro, you’re coming with us” I said pulling him up off the couch.

‘Why?” he questioned as we moved back to the bunk area.

“Strify” I said hitting his arm.

“Alright, Kiro I am sorry I went along with Peyton’s plan when I knew you loved her” he said as Kiro blushed.

‘You know I do forgive you, you don’t have to do this” he said

“Tell that to her” Strify pointed at me.

“I just wanted to make sure none of you guys hate each other. I do it because I care” I said as Kiro smiled at me.

“Well we are all good, you me and Strify” Kiro said as he hugged me. “Nothing comes between friendships” he said directing it towards Strify. “Now come on let’s all go watch a movie” he finished as he grabbed both mine and Strify’s hand.

“Wait what movie?” I asked.

‘I don’t know a scary one” Kiro replied with a smile.

“Awe come on guys you know I hate scary movies”

“Don’t worry you’ll be fine” Strify said laughing as they put the movie in.

“Guys come on please” I begged as the two of them sat down on the couch. Strify decided to sit on me.

“Oh my god, Strify. Hey but if you stay like that I’m fine” I said as he moved so I could see the screen.

“No” I cried as Kiro sat beside me

“This is fun” he laughed an evil laugh. I just stuck my tongue out at him. I rested my head on Kiro’s shoulder while Strify occupied my lap. Every time I saw blood I’d hide my face on Kiro’s shoulder.

“I love this because you are so cute” he said as he put his arm around me.

‘Yeah and you’re mean” I told him as I rested my head on his chest.

“Sorry” he said as I looked at him

“God, you are so cute”

“I know” he smiled as he leaned down and kissed me. I was now sure of it; I was in love with Kiro. I couldn’t let it stay inside me this feeling. Kiro needed to know. So I ever so gently moved my head back to his shoulder and whispered in his ear.

“I love you so much”
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I've VERY sorry for not posting for like ever! This story has had me stumped, I'm still not sure where I want this to go, I might end it here, I'm still not sure.