Pink Mist

The name has come from Grey's Anatomy from series two: first person to tell me what it is will get a part in the story.

This is about the Dark Prince Harry Potter who has gone over to the Dark Side after Dumbledore was killed by the Ministry of Magic. Harry made a promise, three years later he has forgotten it and is plagued by nightmares, can his lover save him?
Harry’s Aunt Marge had a child, her name is Caroline.
As Caroline enters a world which looks down there noses at her can she find herself and fall in love or will it all be too much for her?
I have a full plan for this and the story is a lot better then what it seems. I’ve worked really hard so if you like Harry Potter fanfiction then please give it a chance.

-DISCLAIMER: I don’t own Harry Potter else Dobby would be alive and Harry would have got with Voldemort in the like 5th book, he’s not that much of a paedophile people.
-WARNINGS: Contains slash (male on male) het (male on female) rape, child abuse. There will be sex in this story you have been warned.