Status: for the sequel.

Dark Side of the Moon

I Survived A Century.

I woke up on the morning of a very special day; my birthday. But not just any birthday, no; today I was 100 years old! I skipped down the stairs, greeting my stepmother, Alice, on the way.

“Happy birthday, Jasmine! I think your father was looking for you.” She exclaimed happily; I knew immediately she knew something… but of course she did… she was Alice, and Alice could see things before they even happened. She pointed in the direction of the front door and I ran outside excitedly.

So, in case you hadn’t noticed, I am Jasmine Whitlock. My father, Jasper Whitlock, is a vampire living in the coven of the Cullen’s. He had made the mistake of falling in love with a human, and thus there was me. My biological mother had died giving birth to me, but my father had kept me all the same… having later met Alice and she adopted me as her own.
I found him around the corner, near the garage, grinning widely… obviously proud of himself for something.

“I have a present for you,” he began before opening the electric garage door. I stepped inside after him, and he stood aside to reveal one of the most amazing cars that I had ever seen. There, behind him, was a brand new metallic black Mercedes Benz. “Alice helped, of course. You know how much she loves the flashy ones…”

“DAD! I love it!” I exclaimed, jumping up and wrapping my arms around him firmly.

Most of my life I had spent under the constant supervision of Dr. Carlisle Cullen, there weren’t many like me so nobody really knew what to expect. Any of my ‘species’ that had survived were usually nomads; traveling alone out there somewhere. In the beginning I had been growing at such rapid rates that it was nearly impossible to allow me out of the house or forest, unless to pass me off as a visiting cousin every few years.

“Why don’t you take it out for a spin?” my dad asked, tossing me the keys.

I smiled excitedly before opening the drivers side door and climbing in, patting the steering wheel in excitement. I quickly found a station on the radio before pulling out of the driveway and flying down the road; like my stepmother Alice, I had a need for speed.

I was happy to get out of the house, like I said, I didn’t get to do it much. I will however admit that I wasn’t completely oblivious to the fact that the only reason they probably wanted me out was so that they could finish getting things ready. Alice had always been big with the celebrations, so it was quite obvious that she would have something up her sleeve… it wasn’t often that somebody hit their 100th birthday, even for vampires. It was a big thing to make it through your first century!

I wasn’t sure just quite then where I wanted to go so I settled for a diner in town. The rest of my household didn’t eat so this way I could spoil myself with my very own birthday dinner. I decided that it might be nice for company so I called my aunt Bella to meet me there. It was odd calling her my aunt, being that I was so very much older than her, but hey, she was dating my ‘uncle’ so what else would I call her? Despite the fact that she was driving her old beat-up pick-up it didn’t take long before Bella met me at the diner.

“Happy birthday!” she greeted, coming through the door and pulling me into a hug.
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mibba deleted the first two chapters.. and i noticed as i tried to post the third... so i decided to start over. i will be redoing the second right now, and then reposting the third one even though some have already read that one. comments make me update faster, so thats what you should do if you like my idea on this one! also, i have a Jasper story that is almost to 40 chapters if you enjoy him also ;) thanks for cooperating with me on this... hahaha.