Status: for the sequel.

Dark Side of the Moon

The Meeting

"Good, you're back. We're all heading towards the meadow to have a meeting with Sam's pack.." my father began as I walked in through the front door.

"I'm going with you," I informed him, before he could even begin to suggest leaving me behind.

He nodded, understanding me wanting to be involved, but obviously not understanding everything. Everybody else was in the living room waiting to leave as Carlisle came down from his office and directed the family outside.

I grew more and more excited as we came upon the meadow. Edward had brought Bella since there would be nobody to keep an eye on her if she stayed home, being that all the sources of her protection would all be here at once. He had grown more and more protective over her.. he was almost anal about it.

My family began slowing to a stop and Edward put Bella down as the wolves began to emerge from the trees. It was easily to spot which one was Jacob, he was the beautiful copper one and was larger than most of the others, all but Sam. I had to be mindful that Edward was nearby as I looked at my boyfriends wolfform... I noticed him glance towards me, a slight twinkle in his eye, but quickly look the other way; the pack all shared thoughts and if he allowed for a thought of me to escape then Edward would be able to pick it up out of any of them.

Edward would be speaking for the pack, being the only one of us that could effectively communicate with them.... which was good for me because it kept him occupied on somebody elses thoughts.

"Two of them are going to go phase back so they can speak for themselves.." Edward announced as Sam and Jacob ran into the trees for a split second.

Then soon returned, wearing only cut off sweats for shorts. I couldn't help myself as my eyes grazed over by boyfriends muscular chest and torso, and I caught Edward give me a quick glance, which I shrugged off since the most he could have gotten out of it was that I thought that they had nice bodies.... so what.

Sam immediately addressed Carlisle, who I guess gave off the impression of being our 'leader'... even though we all saw him more like a 'head of household/father' figure. Jacob's attitude with both of the 'families' present seemed very different than when it was just the two of it.. most of it was for his obvious distaste for the other members of my family. He flexed and stretched, leaning against a large tree cockily as Sam conversed with Carlisle about the treaty line and the wolves being allowed to expand thier patrol line around it, which Calisle responded to favorly.

Bella walked over to Jacob, much to Edward's dislike and talked to him for a bit. I wished that I could walk over there and be with the both of them but I knew that it was not possible. Jake shot me a glance as I noticed a small piece of paper in Bella's hand that wasn't there before and she turned to walk towards me, after saying goodbye to her lifelong friend. She had to be inconspicuous to drop the note in my pocket but I must say that for her it was done very smoothly.

The meeting was over almost as quickly as it had began, everybody had apparently decided that my father would be showing the rest of the family defensive and offenceive tactics that he had learned from his days of being in Maria's army, and the wolves would be welcome to join us, which they agreed to. I ran back with the rest of my family, Edward once again carrying Bella, and slowed down, falling back slightly, to pull the sheet out of my pocket.

I'm staying back.

That was all the letter said but I was able to understand it perfectly. I caught back up with my family at the house before immediatly explaining to my father that I was tired and was going to head to bed before running up to my room, locking my door, and jumping out my side window.

I ran back to the meadow, as fast as my half-vampire legs would take me, and jumped into Jacob's waiting arms.
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