Status: for the sequel.

Dark Side of the Moon

The Tiff.

"Don't you think you're being a little careless with all of this?" Bella scolded in art class the next day.

"I'm not so sure you're one to judge, Bella. You're in more danger than I am," I pointed out, and I was right. She was the one dating a vampire when she was merely human.

"I'm talking about Jake, Jasmine. You're father will kill him."

"He would not." I argued, knowing that she was right.. but I wasn't about to let her win this. "And besides, how am I being careless?"

"He would, and you know it. And as far as being careless, sneaking out last night? You're lucky that they were preoccupied and didn't hear you running past the house! Not to mention I already have had to cover for you when Edward mentioned that you smelled like one of the wolves... I had to remind him that Jake had stopped by my house and you were there with me. You just need to be more careful, Jazz. Jake's my friend and I don't want to see him get hurt."

That struck a bit of a nerve with me.

"Oh, so now you care about him then?" I blurted, before I realized what I was accusing her of. It was no secret that Jacob had once had feelings for Bella, and she had hurt those feelings. Of course now there was me, and Jacob had explained again and again that he never felt a connection with Bella like he had with me now... I guess that was part of the whole 'imprinting' thing.

The bell rang before she had a chance to retort and I could tell that I had her slightly suprised. I gathered my things quickly before slamming through the door and heading straight for my locker.

At lunch that day I sat by myself, not wanting to be around Bella and not sure if I would be able to keep the mornings argument out of my head for Edward to not pick up on it. I nibbled on my apple, deep in thought and ended up throwing away the majority of my lunch. I debated whether or not I even wanted to go back to class or if I just wanted to leave Forks High altogether. I wasn't sure if Jacob's lunch was at the same time, but I tried to text him anyways.

Hey, what are you doing? Are you at lunch?

No reply came before my lunch was over so I sighed and went back to class, setting my phone to vibrate. It was about half hour until the end of school when I got my reply, feeling my pocket vibrate slightly. I pulled my phone out under my desk and opened it to see what Jake had written back to me.

No, I was with the guys today. Is everything alright?

Yes, everything is fine. I just need out of here.

lol, why dont you spend the night at Bella's?

Ugh. I think she's mad at me, we had a bit of a tiff

Well it's not like you'd really be there anyways...

he had a good point.
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