Status: for the sequel.

Dark Side of the Moon

PS, I Love You.

To some it might sound a bit cowardly, or even immature, but I didn't care. I wasn't going to talk to Bella so instead I dropped a brief note by her locker explaining that I would be telling my family that I was spending the night at her house, whether or not she complied with my lie was on her. If she did, maybe I could forgive her, if she didn't.... then it would just make her out to be a hypocrite... I wasn't going to let Bella Swan, the human from Arizona, control my life.

I explained to Edward that me and Bella would be having a girls night only and not to disturb us, all in order to keep him from checking in and realizing that I was in fact not there. This whole plan to see Jacob was becoming so complicated, but so worth it. I only hated that this was how it would have to be.. forever.. but how was that even possible? No use thinking about that at that point.

I was driving towards the treaty line, anticipation overwhelming me once again. Jacob would be meeting me on the side of the road where the border was, and I would be picking him up in my car. I turned the final corner before La Push and saw him standing there, my amazing boyfriend. All of my tensed muscles from the days events seemed to have disappeared right at that moment when I saw his smile as I pulled up beside him.

"Oh come on, let me drive!" He begged, he had been wanting to drive my car for quite some time now.

I had to admit, it was kind of cute how he pouted and wouldn't give in so I hopped of the drivers seat. Instead of jumping behind the wheel like I had been expecting, he pulled be back towards him as I was making my way around the car and pulled me into a tight hug, my back against his chest, and gave me a soft but firm kiss on my neck. He spun me around, not letting go, causing me to laugh loudly and pry myself out of his arms before running around the side of the car and both of us jumping in.

- - - - - - - - - - - -

"Queen of the Damned or Van Helsing?"

I rolled my eyes as Jacob went over various movie titles in his room.

"How about Underworld, since you obviously obsess over vampire movies... lets what some where they hunt down some lycans."

Now Jacob rolled his eyes. "Ok, ok, I get it." he said with a laugh. "No vampire movies." I smiled, knowing that I had won.

"How about PS I Love You?" I asked, knowing that Jake would cringe at such a chick flick, but I loved putting him through this.... was that sick?

"Uh, I'm pretty sure I dont have that one, thank God." He said, feining relief.

"You have sisters, dont you?"

"Well, yeah, but -"

"Then you have it." I said before flitting out of his room and down the stairs before he even had time to see what i was doing.

"No fair! You can't do that!" he said, slightly amused as he laughed and ran down the stairs after me. I had already made it back to his room by the time his left foot hit the bottom stair.

"Up here, sweetheart! And I found iiiiiiit!" I giggled from his bed, knowing that it would irritate him that not only did he get outrun by his girlfriend, but outsmarted also.. and now he would have to suffer through one of the biggest chick flicks of all time.

We cuddled on the bed, watching the movie with Jake's occasional mocking of the movie, and how 'corny' he thought it was.

"Oh come on! you cant honestly think that was that cute... the guy looked like a total idiot!" he would say at various points when I would make little 'awww' noises.

"it wouldn't kill you to be a little more corny." I teased, poking him in the side and causing him to jump slightly.

"It's too risky, and I'm too young to die." he teased back, trying to act like a stubborn hardass, but I knew better.

"Not like you'll ever get older." I pointed out... ten points for me, I won again.

I shushed Jake before he could retort, one of my favorite part's of the movie was starting.. Gerard Butler singing "Galway Girl". I hummed along, absentmindedly, thankful that because of 'my fathers side of the family' It wasn't easy for me to tear up.

"So that's what you want? Me to sing you some cheesy song?" Jacob asked, slighly amused.

"Only if you have the accent, of course..."

His eyes got wide, but before he had the chance to say whatever it was that was on his mind I laughed, and went for it... pulling myself into his lap and forcing my lips on his. He didn't fight me off of course, and instead his hands immediately tangled themselves in my hair and he pulled me more to him, as if that were even possible.
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comment if you want more!