Status: for the sequel.

Dark Side of the Moon


I woke up the next morning still tangled in Jake's strong arms. Last night had gone farther than I had intended.... than either of us did.... but did I regret it? No. I felt Jacob begin to stir next to me and turned to see his eyes beginning to flutter open.

"Hey," he said, barely above a whisper before giving me a soft kiss on the cheek.

"Hey." was all I said back, looking at his tired face.

He began to sit up slightly, stretching his arms and back and making a loud grunting noise, all at the same time. I suppressed a slight giggle as he looked around the room groggily, before giving up on whatever he was looking for and laying back down to snuggle into my back. We laid like that for a few minutes, quiet.

I was the first to move after the silence was becoming a little to much for me. I bent over the edge of the bed slightly, searching around the room for various articles of clothing.

"Hey," Jacob began, grabbing my shoulder slightly and pulling me back towards him. "Are you ok? I mean, you dont -"

"No, I dont regret anything..." I answered for him before he could begin to second guess himself. I could feel the relief flowing off of him, but he didnt release me... instead he moved his hands to my face and brought me over to face him, so that we were mere inches apart.

"You know I love you... right?" Even my vampire hearing almost couldn't pick up on his words, he said them so lightly. I nodded my head with a sure 'yes' before closing the remaining of the gap. All good things must come to an end, and so when we pulled away I went back to gathering clothes... tossing a garmet at Jake once every so often.

- - - - - -

I was driving back towards Forks, nervously biting on what was left of my nails. I was driving slightly faster than what my father would prefer, but I couldn't hide my nerves and worried that my father would call me out on it in a second. I had showered at Jakes, knowing that my family would be sensitive to the 'wolf' smell. I worried that the shower wouldn't be enough, being that it was in his house. I passed the 'Welcome To Forks' sign when my phone began to ring, and I was slightly suprised when I noticed that the caller ID read Bella.

"Hello?" I answered, slightly taken aback. Part of me was worried that she was just calling to tell me that she infact did not go along with my plan, and I would be returning home to a house of furious vampires... on the other hand, I held out slight hope considering that if she did in fact sell me out, I would have had at least one angry message from home... unless it was so bad that they were trying to give me some sort of false sense of security... crap. I was dead.

"Jasmine, it's Bella. I just wanted to say I'm sorry-" crap. crap. crap. She did sell me out... and now she was feeling guitly about it! "- I'm sorry for saying the things I did, it was none of my business and I don't think I've ever seen Jake any happier. I shouldn't have -"

"Oh! It's fine, Bella, really!" I couldn't help but sound excited, I was so sure that I was going to be grounded forever [literally] that I was more than greatful to be wrong.

"Well I was thinking, maybe you'd like to stop by? Charlie's out and Edward had to go somewhere with Alice today..."

"I'll be there in just a couple of minutes." I agreed, before hanging up the phone. More than anything I was excited to use her shower so that I would feel more comfortable knowing that I didn't smell anything like the reservation.
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comment for more. there is def some serious events that will be coming up shortly.. but you have to leave comments for the story to get there =]