Status: for the sequel.

Dark Side of the Moon

Capulets and Montagues

A loud howl rang from the forests of La Push as we tried to pass through.

"Damnit..." I heard Jake curse silently under his breath, and I knew instantly that the howl was meant for him.

"What is it?" I asked, already dedicated to my theory.

"It's Sam.."

"...are you going? - "


I was sure that Jake was making more enemies than just my family at this point, being that he seemed to be dismissing his also, which was something that I would never want from him.

"Jake - not them too.." I began, but was quickly cut off.

"Jazz, don't worry about it. Sam knows everything, and he understands why I have to do what I'm doing."

"Then why is he calling you?" I was thrown a little off gaurd, surely it made more sense that both sides of this relationship was seen as forbidden.

"He wants to set up a patrol...... just in case.."

He didn't have to finish what he was saying, I already knew: Just in case they follow us across the border. My head spun as it went over the events that would follow: my father furious, not bothering to respect the line and crossing over into a line created by the waiting pack, terrotorial and defensive. Surely Edward would be with him.. and Emmett, my big brawny uncle, surely he wouldn't pass up the promise of a fight. Who would win, and who would we lose? Rosalie would be with them too... with her personal vendetta against the pack...surely Carlisle would see reason, but I wasn't sure it was enough to keep him from staying where ever his family needed him. Esme wouldn't come, she wasn't a fighter, so in the end there would always be Esme. I couldn't stand the thought of forever missing any peticular one of them.

"Jake, stop." I said calmly.

"Jazz, we're almost through, and then we'll head straight up through Canada or something, I don't know... but we'll go somewhere..."

"No, Jake, stop. We have to turn around..."

He didn't say anything, instead I felt the bike give a quick jerk as it lurched forward, fighting for more speed... he wasn't listening to me, he was going faster.

"I'm serious Jake! We cant do this... we have to find another way.."

"There is no other way Jasmine!" He was growing angry now, I could feel his body begin to tremble beneath me. "Cant you see that? We HAVE to leave!"

Now he was testing my anger aswell. " I will NOT start a war behind us Jake! We cant leave - "

"I'm not stopping." He pressed his lips together tightly, as if to signify that there would be no more discussion, he was heading out of the country and I had no choice but to hold on.

But I did have a choice, and I knew I had to take it - for my family; and Jake would have to understand.

"I love you Jacob." I whispered quietly, throwing him slightly off gaurd in the change of mood... but I wasn't saying it to confuse him, I was saying it as a goodbye, even though hopefully not forever... what would happen next would be his choice.

I looked down at the road, watching it fly past. My vision made it all slow down, I could see ever individual streak of paint... something that would seem a mere blur to a human... and this is where I found my other option. In one fluid movement, I withdrew my arms from around Jacob's broad chest and swung my right leg behind me quickly, landing gracefully on the now still pavement. I heard a sqeal of a tire and loud curses about a hundred yards down the road and fought the urge to run to him; the urge to continue running with him.

I meant what I said; I would not be the cause of a war. I would not leave our families behind to fight like the Capulets and the Montagues, no matter how much we loved eachother.. there had to be another way, otherwise what sick world would we live in when two people who loved eachother couldnt be together? I knew the answer before I asked myself the question, but tried my hardest to ignore it.. because it was that simple. The same world that created monsters like vampires and werewolves, that's the world where a love like ours would be so forbidden, and it very much existed.

I turned towards the trees, knowing I couldn't risk being seen running down the streets of La Push; and knowing at the same time that if Jake phased then the whole pack would be in on my escape. I wondered if they would still consider me welcome on this side of the treaty line if I was running away from my safe harbor that allowed me to be here? I couldn't be sure... so I asked my legs to carry me that much faster.
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sorry again =[ but here you go =]