Status: for the sequel.

Dark Side of the Moon

The Dance

Bella had left the diner early in somewhat of a rush, no doubt to get back to my house for whatever my family had planned for the night. It didn’t take long before I decided that I had been gone long enough also, and began to venture home.

I pulled up the drive somewhat in a haste, eager to discover what (and who) would be waiting for me inside. I knew Alice would already have seen my approach and would be warning everybody that I as almost there as I pulled into the driveway and parked my car in the garage next to her yellow Porche.

“Surprised!” everybody yelled happily as I entered in through the room. I smiled widely and began making rounds giving hugs to everybody that I knew, even though there were many that didn’t.

I looked around to see my father’s old friends, Peter and Charlotte, with whom we had traveled with for many years when I was an infant, before we ventured out on our own and eventually came to find the Cullen’s after my father met Alice. I hugged them excitedly, it had been years and I knew my father must have been excited to see them also. Aside from them were also the Denali coven, whom we had grown very close to during our stays in Alaska, and they were quite likely one of the only other ‘vegetarian’ vampires covens in existence besides us. I glanced around longer to see the rest of my family aswell as many that I did not recognize.

Most of the guests had already settled themselves in the middle of the large room where music had started playing, and were all dancing rhythmically. Alice had really outdone herself, complete with full lighting effects and loud stereos, as well as other vibrant decorations along the rest of the house.

“There’s my favorite niece!” I heard shouted from across the room, I didn’t have to look to know who it was. Before I had a chance to even think about running, Emmett had flitted to my side and engulfed me into a tight bear hug.

“I’m your only niece!” I defended “and, unlike you, I still need to breathe occasionally!” he laughed as he put me down and began to walk away, but not before he roughed up my hair violently. I laughed and made my way to join the rest of the party.

I noticed Bella talking to some guys that I have never met before over in the far corner… but I knew who they were. They were the boys off of the reservation, the ‘wolves’. I knew that my family didn’t like them necessarily, they were the enemy to our race, but I have never truly heard of a true reason. I walked over to her, curious.

“Hey, Bella.”

“Hey, Jasmine! Are you enjoying your party?”

“Yeah, I am actually.” She must have seen me glance over her shoulder and understood completely.

“Oh! These are my friends Sam, Embry, Quil, Seth, and Jacob. Guys, this is Jasmine…. Jasper’s daughter.” they all nodded their head in greeting as their name was called and I did the same, smiling slightly before turning back to Bella but before I could speak I was pulled quickly aside by my father.

“You enjoying your party?” he asked curiously, though I could tell that his truer motive was to get me away from the wolves, he didn’t trust them one bit, and it showed each time he looked over my shoulder to stare them down.

“They’re friends of Bella, dad.” I mentioned, rolling my eyes just slightly at how closeminded my family could be at times.

“I know, but that doesn’t mean that I trust them. But never mind that, tonight is for you,” he added, kissing me lightly on my forehead and running off, most likely to find Alice.

Bella reappeared at my side almost instantly, a small smile spread across her frail face.
“Why aren’t you dancing at your own party?” she asked, sounding slightly bewildered.

“Because, unlike you and everybody else I lack a dancing partner!” I laughed slightly, Bella hated to dance and I knew this… that’s why my uncle always had to pick her up slightly off the ground so that he could do all of the footwork himself.

A semi-devilish grin spread across Bella’s face as she grabbed my arm and dragged me forcefully back over to the corner that she had been standing in before. I didn’t have to be psychic like Alice to guess where this was going but before I had time to protest I was pryed into the arms of Jacob Black, just as the music began to slow down…. How convenient.

“Well then I guess it looks like I get the birthday dance,” He looked nervous as he chuckled slightly in shock… and I could feel the uneasiness radiating off of him.

“I guess you do!” I chuckled, trying to ease the mood slightly... which gratefully worked.

“So you’re Jasper’s daughter, does that mean you’re a…?” I could tell that he was struggling with the question, unsure of whether or not I would be offended by his curiosity.

“A vampire? No, well… not really. My mother was human, so I’m half. It’s complicated,” I tried to answer, unsure of how to describe ‘what’ I was.

“I guess you’ll just have to try and explain it to me sometime…” and there it was, his tension eased up and he smiled slightly. I could tell that he was truly curious of how a vampire could reproduce with a human, let alone at all.

The song came to an end and Jacob reluctantly pulled away.

“Well I guess I’ll see you around, Jasmine,” was all he got out before he made his way back to his friends.
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comments = faster updates. i wished i still had the first one i posted, it was so much better.