Status: for the sequel.

Dark Side of the Moon

Memories and Glaciers.

I laid down with the ice against my back. It was far more secluded than what I was used to in even the tiny town of Forks. I wasn’t sure exactly how far I had traveled from Tanya’s place, but I knew I was close enough that they could find me if need-be. I breathed in the crisp air and exhaled slowly, trying to let my mind drift off to another place.

In my head I saw Jacob, of course. We were sitting on a log on first beach, just talking. Nothing much to the memory, but it had a homey feeling - I wished things were that simple. He had laughed, pulling me tighter to him to shield me from the cold… I obliged, even as unnecessary as it was, it was an excuse to be closer to him. We had walked up and down the beach, Jacob telling me the legends of his tribe that I was entitled to know then. I had listened intrigued, just loving the sound of his voice. He had apologized for boring me, but I corrected him quickly before he had grinned mischievously before phasing and throwing me on his back as we ran through the woods that bordered the end of the beach.

A tear escaped my control as I kept my eyes closed, lying there hopelessly as the memory blurred and faded. I sat there un-breathing, hoping it would come back, but it didn’t. I sighed in defeat, sitting up and glancing around me. Nothing but snow and ice. There was a mountain range not too far off, though I could have been mistaking the glaciers. Ice covered the ocean, and I looked out as far as I could, as if hoping my sight would carry all the way back to Forks, or even more-so, La Push.

Jacob’s Point Of View.

Jasmine was gone. I had hesitated to hang up the phone after our brief phone conversation where she explained that they were sending her away. Anger surged through me and I composed myself just long enough to make the most of that short time of being able to hear her voice. It wasn’t the first time I lost a girl because of a leech; and losing Jasmine was so much more than losing Bella. She made Bella seem all the more expendable, like she was nothing more than any other random girl. Jasmine was made for me; or vice versa…. I guess technically she was older.

I fought the urge to phase and run off on my own, claiming my wolf self for good or until it brought her back to me, whichever happened to come first… though I doubted the second. I knew I couldn’t do that, not to the pack. I began to feel sympathy for Leah, something I thought I never would, and for a fraction of a second I wished that she would have had her ‘happily ever after’ with Sam; anything to give me hope that there was a way for me and Jasmine to be together. Ugh.. Sappy.

I got up off the couch after much protest from Billy. He had been ranting that entire morning (and most of the previous night) about my sulking around the house.

“You’ve got to do something with yourself, Jake!” he had exclaimed.. If only it were that easy.

My Rabbit was finished and I had yet to take up a new project…especially after finishing mine and Bella’s bikes…and so I felt no refuge in going to my old garage, which had become more or less a mess of various tools and dust collections; clutter.

I began to make my way down to first beach, unknowingly at first. My feet seemed to know more than my head did when it came to where I wanted to be. I passed mine and Jasmine’s log and eventually came to the place where I had pulled Bella out of the raging ocean after her jump; a severe lack in judgement on her part. I felt a shiver rip up my spine and I clenched my fists tightly to my side; those leeches owed me. If it wasn’t for me, Edward would have lost the love of his life…supposibly, and what do I get for repayment? I rumble began tight in my stomach as I let my animalistic instincts take over, not even bothering to undress before I gave in to my wolf form and darted into the forest.

I needed to talk to Bella.
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