Status: for the sequel.

Dark Side of the Moon

Finding Refuge

The day began to darken quickly and yet I remained outside, the cold unable to pierce me. It had been since a week or so ago in Forks that I had taken the liberty to go on a personal hunt; which was beginning to feel more and more overdue. Being only half vampire had its benefits when trying to fit in with the rest of the world, but human food only kept me full for so long, whereas I found hunting with my family to be far more satisfying and lasting.

I had yet to establish hunting grounds, though I felt confident enough in my knowledge of the others scents to know when I was beyond the safety of their perimeter. I felt a slight rush of curiosity and determination as I went over the options in my head; surely any game here would be completely different than anything I had become accustomed to back home, or any other area we had hunted for that matter.

Unlike the rest of my family, I was not venomous; therefore I could not rely on any venom to incapacitate my prey… that gave me even more of an obligation to strike harder than the rest of my family felt the need. An unfamiliar scent overcame my nostrils as my eyes carried on to just beyond a small ledge in the snow. Down below I saw him; a large male polar bear. I thought of my uncle Emmett as I looked upon him, knowing all too well my boisterous uncle would literally kill for a shot at him; he had taken me on many of his grizzly adventures back home…but this, it made those grizzlies look tame. Excitement rushed over me as the burning sensation in my throat begged for me to move in for the kill; desperate for the moment when I would pounce and give in to all it’s cravings.

That was the first time here that I had felt peace; my mind wiped away from anything but that moment, focused on nothing but the frenzy that was sure to come soon. That moment; my heart was free of aching for Jacob Black.

- - - - - - - -
(Jacob‘s Point Of View)

I wasn’t surprised at the strong, sickly scent that seemed to be pouring from Bella’s house as I approached from the small forest on the left; still in animal form due to my lack of other options to conceal myself. I cursed (barked) under my breath for not simply being patient and taking the time to compose myself to be able to turn back, but all that was apart from the point at this moment…dignity was no longer an option. I stayed at the edge of the small gathering of trees, knowing full well that Edward would be in the room with her, well aware of my arrival, and of course, my intentions.

My suspicions were proven to me as I heard a slight hiss and noticed his head pop out the open window, glaring down on me in warning… I knew there was no way he was going to let me talk to her right now, not with the answers that I was seeking from her; answers he would not allow for me to retrieve. I flinched just slightly as suddenly he was next to me, having barely seen him jump from the second story of the house and land swiftly at my side. His eyes were menacing, but I was far from alarmed… I had been on Edward’s bad side too many times to be intimidated…it was practically a routine greeting at this point.

“You wont find any answers from her, dog.” I hated that he could read my mind at times like these.

He already knew why I had come here, I needed to confide in Bella where they had sent Jasmine, it really was that obvious. The short conversation I had been able to have with her over the telephone before she left had barely been long enough for a goodbye and I knew she had been forbidden to give me any information as to where she was going. I had suspected, of course, that Bella also would have been left out of the loop. They probably had seen that she was too close to me to risk; but I knew I had to try, as much as a long shot as it was. I had to give it to these leeches, they took their precautions… easily seeing that I would have ran after Jasmine if I could, they had made sure that in no way would I be able to take her on another runaway rendezvous.

There was a short scuffle behind Edward as he threw his had back quickly, and just in time to see Bella slipping on a pile of fallen leaves….that girl could trip over air. He rushed to her quickly, grabbing her just before she hit the ground. I rolled my eyes lazily, sure I cared for Bella and would never want her to get hurt, but I hardly think that those leaves would have done any serious damage other than mild embarassment… he really needed to loosen the reins on that one. I chuckled to myself as Edward ripped a snarl for my thoughts, earning him a much appreciated glare from Bella.

“Oh cant you two just play nice!” She bellowed, clearly annoyed. I ignored any further looks from Edward as I whined slightly in Bella’s direction, my own personal way of telling her that I wanted to talk to her. “What is it, Jake?” she asked, obviously noting my desperation.

“Out of the question!” Edward bellowed, knowing full well that I wished to speak with Bella alone. I retaliated by throwing my ears back and growling lowly in protest, this was none of his concern.

“None of my concern? I have every right to be concerned! And I’ll be damned if I left you anywhere near my niece, mutt!! And Bella will be no help to you either.” He opted to end on that note, seizing Bella around the waist quickly and hoisting her back into her open bedroom. I was far from finished with the conversation.

EDWARD! I screamed in my head, knowing he would be continuing to listen in, his head popped back out of the window, face full of warning. You wont keep me from finding her.... None of you will.

- - - - - - - -

I busted back through the sliding glass door in Tanya’s kitchen, strong from a night of feasting. I had taken down another, smaller bear after the first, as well as a couple of foxes. I could feel the new blood pulsating through me, completely refreshed.. But only physically. I had hunted more than necessarily, finding refuge in my instinctual self that was able to momentarily override any emotion; one emotion so strongly in particular. I had been free from pain and burden for that short amount of time and it made me consider planning another hunting trip for the following night. I would not have even bothered to return had I not considered the search party that would search for me, and surely the news of my disappearance would have traveled home, leaving Jacob on the top of a vary dangerous suspect list.

My Jacob. Just thinking of him brought the hole back into me, the one that I was sure had to be both visible and obvious for I was unable to bring my mind away from it…with the exception of earlier that day.

It all came back like a tidal wave; the pain, the guilt for leaving him with barely an explanation ,and the burning desire to be next to him.

There was a loud crash in the living room that pulled me from myself pity just long enough to realize what was going on…