Status: for the sequel.

Dark Side of the Moon


I waited a few hours after we had left the Cullen’s to run to Bella’s house; wanting to be completely positive that Edward would be long gone on his hunting trip. The rest of the pack was scouting the woods around Bella’s house so I made a point to show up in my human form; not wanting everybody to be present in some way for our little meeting.

My hopes raised drastically as my mind went over the many possibilities of why Bella would want to talk to me. Obviously, it was something that she didn’t want Edward knowing about, and I took that as a sign that hopes were good that it could be about Jasmine.

Weaving out of the trees that bordered Charlie’s, I began jogging my way up to the side of the house where Bella’s window was positioned on the second story. Odds were that Charlie was already asleep, but of course Bella would still be up waiting for me. My assumptions were correct as I noted that the bedroom window was in fact open, her way of telling me to come on in.

I used the tree by her window to brace myself as I leaped up, swinging form the branch and into the room through the open window. Bella flinched slightly as I landed, obviously she hadn’t heard me approaching. Her shock, however, was short lived as she sprung from her bed and engulfed me in a tight embrace.

“You came!” She gasped, her arms lingering thoughtlessly on my shoulders as we pulled apart slightly.

“Of course I did…” I replied, shock evident that she would think there was the slightest possibility that I would blow her off. “What’s going on Bella? It seemed like there was something you needed to talk about.”

I watched as she turned around, lost in her thoughts as she took a seat at the end of her bed; motioning for me to follow. I did, a little too carefully as I began to rethink whatever it was that she would tell me.

“Something’s wrong, isn’t it?” I questioned her, my anxiety raising slightly. I felt shocks starting to shoot through my nerves; not in the normal way before I phased, but in a way that felt like I was becoming numb. Had something happened to Jasmine? Is that why Jasper had left?

I was pulled from my thoughts as Bella sighed loudly, obviously she had decided finally where to start.

“You already know that Jasper left town, Jake..” she began, I nodded; urging her to continue. “Well, you see, when you took off… Jasper was worried that you had found a way to get to Jasmine.” I took a deep breath in, this was going right where I had hoped it would. “And.. I guess since everybody felt the secret was blown anyways, I managed to overhear a few bits and pieces, but I’m not really sure how much help they will actually be to you.”

I felt my heart elevate drastically in my chest as Bella paused; at this point any information would have been helpful, and I could feel my hopes rising by the second.

“I overheard Edward talking to Alice as Jasper was leaving… she had some sort of vision of Jasmine disappearing, but they aren’t sure how… she cant see it happening..” something in my head clicked as Bella said that, if the bloodsucker couldn’t see something, that usually gave a good inkling that one of my brothers or myself had something to do with it.

“So they figured that I’d found her? But that doesn’t make sense… I followed a false trail.”

“That’s precisely when it gets so confusing. Alice’s visions have been wrong from time to time, but apparently it wasn’t something that Jasper was willing to risk. I heard him say something about going to Alaska.”

My heart doubled his beating, I knew where she was… she was in Alaska. Sure, that might seem like a pretty broad spectrum, but I had no problems scouring every inch of it if it meant that I was sure to find her.

“So, she’s in Alaska?” Obviously I already knew the answer, I just needed to hear somebody else say it so that I didn’t feel as moronic running off with not much more to go on.

Bella nodded.

“Thank you so much, Bells! You don’t know how much this has helped me..” I gave her another quick hug before running quickly over to her window, eager to leave right away.

“Jake, wait!” She called behind me, reaching for my arm in an attempt to hold me back. I turned to look at her quizzically. “There’s more..”

I allowed for her to lead me back over to where we had been sitting, slightly agitated that I was still being held back from running to Jasmine.

“I have an idea of where to look…” She began. “There is another coven up there, one that is friends with the Cullen’s. Edward ran to them when me and him first met and he couldn’t stand the smell of me. I don’t know how it didn’t occur to me earlier… if Jasper went to Alaska, I’m sure he’s heading for the coven in Denali.”

This time I didn’t bother with goodbye, I was jumping out the window before Bella had a chance to say another word. I pushed myself as fast as my human legs would take me and didn’t even bother to change as I phased mid-leap jumping into the forest.

I had to get there before he decided to move her.

- - - - - - -

I threw a change of clothes into a small leather backpack that I had brought with me; being sure to also fill it with other necessities such as a toothbrush and iPod. I was running away. My father couldn’t even stand to be around me, he had said it himself, unaware that I had been listening.

I knew everybody would be listening for me to try and make another window escape, so I did the more daring; and extremely less obvious…. I was going to walk out the front door.

I had made my way down the stairs and into the hallway where I found my father’s cell phone sitting on the charger. I looked it over, it was three-quarters of the way charged. Without a second thought, I scooped the phone into my hand before unplugging it and throwing it into my pocket.

Eleazer and Carmen were up in there room but my father was standing on the back porch talking quietly with Tanya and Kate; no doubt about what they would have to decide to do with me.

Irina was still missing; she hadn’t bothered to return home after our fight in the forest. I didn’t bother thinking about her… there were more important things.
Everything seemed to be working in my favor as I noted that the front door was wide open, no need to worry about them hearing my escape. I slipped through it fluently, making sure I was a good fifty yards away from the house before I broke into a sprint.

My senses were strong enough that it was easy to decipher the general way back home to Forks; though I wasn’t heading quite there. I was going to Jacob. Surely if I went home they would find some way to alert my father and I would be shipped even farther away; no, I had to go straight to La Push. I traveled South East, knowing that I would have to go through Canada and back down into Washington. Unlike my father, I wasn’t able to hold my breath indefinitely, so swimming the channel between Alaska and Washington was not an option for me, no.. I would need to take the long way around. The thought to take a plane had crossed my mind, but was push off immediately as an impossible idea and waste of time considering that my passport was back at the house with Tanya.

Once I knew that I was at a safe enough distance to slow my pace, I quickly began digging in my pocket to extract the cell phone. The number I would be so eager to call was of course not saved into the phones memory, but none-the-less it was saved in mine. I dialed the digits quickly, my fingers a blur as they sped over the buttons.

It rang once, twice, three times… My heart continued to beat faster as I anticipated hearing Jacob’s voice again; my breath caught in my phone as I counted the seconds that had passed. No answer. I immediately tried again.. Still no answer. A third time and finally I heard the gruff voice of Billy Black.

“Hello?” He asked, sounding as if he had been awoken from a long nap.

“Hey Billy, it’s Jasmine. Is Jacob home?” I couldn’t hide the hopefulness in my voice as it broke slightly saying Jacob’s name aloud. Billy seemed to take a moment to collect himself.

“Erm, no, Jasmine, I’m sorry. I’m sure he would have loved to speak with you, but no, he’s not here.”

My heart sunk, it had been too long since I had heard his voice and I had let myself get my hopes up far too much.

“Oh.. Umm.. Well.. Could you tell him I called please?” I asked, leaving my father’s number with him in case Jacob was to show up and wanted to give me a call.

Billy continued to apologize profusely, stating also that Jacob had been very busy lately and he wasn’t sure when he would see him, apparently he had been gone for quite a while, but he would be sure to relay the message to me.

I hung up the phone feeling heartsick.
♠ ♠ ♠
here it is again folks =]
although i must warn you that this story may becoming to a close within the next 5 chapters or so... so i hope you've all enjoyed it =]
my jasper story will be coming to a close soon aswell... but i will consider sequels to each.

other than that... i will be gladly taking any requests for when both of these are finished, leaving me with only my edward story afterwards.

keep the feedback rolling, people =]
it makes me update so much quicker!