Status: for the sequel.

Dark Side of the Moon


It wasn’t the time for apologies or acceptances; though I was sure I would; for Jasmine’s sake, of course.

Long story short, I had allowed for Jasper to approach Jasmine, knowing that if I was to save her I would need his help. I didn’t have to be a mind reader like Edward to know what was churning in his mind; we had to take her to the vampire doctor; Carlisle Cullen… it would be too dangerous for Jasmine to be seen by anybody else.

“You better have him look at those ribs too, Jake.” he had mentioned as we fled back to Forks; Jasmine in his arms only because I couldn’t risk her falling from my back while she was unable to hold on. I had grunted lightly in retort; I didn’t need to be looked at… I healed fast.

On the contrary the doctor had seen it very differently.

“I’m afraid I’ll have to re-break them, Jacob…it’s the only way they will set properly.” The doctor had informed me. I winced at the thought, but would never have allowed anybody to catch that; especially the smug Rosalie.

Three re-broken ribs later and I was sitting in the doctor’s office, staring down at Jasmine’s still unconscious body.

It had been hard for the doctor to assign a diagnosis. He had told me that Jasmine was a severe rarity, if not one of a kind, and it was hard to differ what was already so different about her to anything that had changed. Her granite skin did not bruise or show injury, nor could it be penetrated by x-ray. She was a mystery to him; though he was almost positive that she was physically just fine.

Just fine…. But unconscious and not showing any sign of pending improvement.

Call me weird, but that didn’t sound ‘fine’ at all to me.

It was three days later, having not left her side unless absolutely necessary, that I was shook awake by Bella.

“Go home, Jake. Everybody will be watching her and will call you the second anything changes. You look terrible, and I’m sure Billy misses you.” She said, looking down at me with sympathy.

“I’m just fine.” I grumbled, not wanting to leave Jasmine‘s side.

“I’m afraid I must insist, Jacob.” Edward had walked into the room, no doubt not wanting to leave Bella alone with me for over the slightest fraction of a second.

I didn’t have it in me to be angry at his as he changed a glance in his ‘mates’ direction… I hated how they used that word.. It seemed so…. I don’t know… but not normal.

Normal; ha!

I kissed Jasmine’s hand that had remained in mine as I stood; the guilt already setting in that I was leaving and the panic flooding me at the thought of her waking up to me not being there.

“The second anything changes..” I demanded, looking towards Edward.. Surely he would be reading my mind and catching every threat perfectly.

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im so sorry that this chapter is so short, i just HAD to get SOMETHING out! today has been my first day with internet again for the last couple weeks or so... so im sorry again =[
ill be sure to post a longer one soon, i just wanted to emphasize that i didnt forget about you guys nor put this off on purpose =[

dont hate me.