Status: for the sequel.

Dark Side of the Moon

And All Good Things Must Come To An End.

I leaped from the drivers side of the car, not bothering to even fully turn it off, and raced quickly to the front steps of the Cullen’s house.

The short car ride to that exact second had seemed to take an eternity, all the while my heart pounding; knowing it would soon be reunited with its other half.

Shut up, I know, cheesy. I guess love did that to you.. And I didn’t care. I’d forever flaunt it happily with Jasmine.

My mind didn’t even have time to process the faces in the living room as I hurried up the staircase, not bothering to greet anyone.

My pace slowed as I inched closer to the door frame in the room Jasmine had been kept in and my heart ached to recall the images of her fragile body.

Jasper met me in the door frame just as I was about to enter, looking up to my face as he began to leave the room. Words were not necessary, we had made a truce.

I forced myself to look past him as he patted me on the back, a gesture that still had to be somewhat difficult for him, and left the room. I didn’t know what to expect to see, but my stomach fluttered to see her sitting there, wide awake and beaming at me.

- - - - -

My father left the room and I looked to see the cause of his exit; Jacob. He had come for me.

“Jake..” I choked out, sobbing slightly as he bounded across the room to me in three strides, sweeping me off of the mattress and into his arms.

“I missed you so much… I was so scared..” His words came out in choked sobs as well as he buried his face into the crook of my neck, one arm tangled in my hair and the other wrapped around my waist, holding me up protectively.

I said nothing, relishing that moment that we were simply holding onto each other, afraid to let go and find out that none of it was real.

“I love you, never leave me again.” Jake whispered as he placed small kisses across my cheeks, down my nose and eventually my lips.

“Never. I love you, too.” I tightened my grip around his neck, terrified at the thought of him letting go.

There was a light tap on the door and I looked over to see Carlisle.

“I’m sorry Jacob, but now that Jasmine is awake I would like to give her a once-over… just to be sure there wont be any further complications.”

Jacob nodded and began to release his hold on me as Carlisle approached at human speed. I felt my muscles tense as I felt the slack between our bodies, fighting every urge to force him back to me.

A stethoscope was not necessary as Carlisle checked my heartbeat to make sure it was ‘normal’…normal for me anyways. He flashed a tiny flashlight into each pupil before the questions came.

“Any dizziness, Jasmine? Headache?”

“Not anymore, my spine and head were in a bit of pain before I woke up, but everything seems to have stopped now.”

He nodded as I replied, apparently satisfied with my answers, before touching Jacob’s shoulder just slightly and beginning to exit the room.

“When you are ready, Jasmine, I’m sure the rest of the family would love to see that you’re well.” Carlisle added before parting down the hall.

“He’s right, it’s selfish of me to keep you all to myself up here, I know they’ve all been worried.” Jacob mentioned after pulling me back against his muscular chest.

“What if I want you to keep me all for yourself?” I pouted, looking up into his face. He was radiating so much love and happiness that it was intoxicating for me to be around him. As embarrassing as it would be, I almost wished my father could stumble into the room for a particle of a second, just long enough to perhaps understand the bond between us.

I stood quickly onto the tips of my toes, eager to close the small gap that still existed between the two of us, and kissed him lightly. I had missed his kisses far too much. Jacob didn’t hide his longing as he pressed into the kiss, deepening it on multiple levels. He grunted slightly as I pulled away, fighting to keep myself calm, it wouldn’t be fair to him to get too carried away at that precise time.

Jacob sighed, mocking his slight frustration, and placed his forehead to mine; having to lean down quite a bit to reach me.

“I will never let myself lose you again.” he said softly, his warm breath cascading across my cheek and sending shivers down my spine.

“You’ll never have to.” I replied, gazing up at him. “Ever.”

I closed the gap once more; perhaps for the first time in my long life grasping the true concept of forever.

The End.
♠ ♠ ♠
so that is the end of this story =]
i will be playing around with the concept of a sequel, but it most likely will not be out until i finish the ending on 'love at first fright' (my jasper story, for those of you who dont know) and get little farther into my edward cullen story, 'second heartbeat'.
i also have started typing up a rough draft for a POSSIBLE rob pattinson story... having come up with what i believe to be an interesting story line... who knows.. ill play with it a bit more and decide from there if i want to start posting it or not...
any suggestions?

hope you liked the ending.. i probably could have added it to the last chapter... not sure why i didnt.
keep your eye out for the sequel =]

and i would love to hear comments about how you liked the entire story =]

thank you all, you've been very loyal and generous.......... i cant explain how greatful i am for you wonderful readers =]

until next time...