Status: for the sequel.

Dark Side of the Moon

La Push

I kept wanting to leave with him during lunch that day, but I couldn't afford Edward to grow suspicous.

"What does this mean for the treaty?" I asked him, curious as to how this could ever work.

"I have to go talk to Sam now, it might be different for you since you're only have vampire and you're heart still beats like a human... and given the uncontrollable circumstances, he might agree that you can enter La Push..." Jacob explained as another question hit me suddenly.

"When am I going to be able to see you again?"

"Well, we both know that this is going to be hard, your father would never allow it.." Jacob sighed... slightly let down. "but I'm willing to try if you are." he seemed almost worried that I would reject him.

"Of course I am," I answered, slightly above a whisper.

This brought a shade of hope to his face as he explained to me that he could meet me that night in the meadow. I quickly declined and explained that we would have to think of a different spot because my father was going to go hunting that night and I didn't know if he would pass through there or not... it would be too risky.

"I can go to Bella's," I began to offer.

",,, and I could pick you up from there." he finished. "but now I have to go talk to Sam." and with a quick hug he ran back through the forest towards La Push, leaving me to return to the lunch room.

I slipped a note into Bella's locker before heading to my next class; english. The teacher was one of the more easygoing ones as she had us basically do excercises to get to know eachother better, which was a lot easier than trying to focus as I anxiously awaited the end of class to search for a return note.

I had walked half-heartedly to my locker, worried that there would be no reply from Bella or that Edward had been suspicous. With a sigh of relief, I opened my locker to reveal another crumpled piece of folded paper, and rushed to my final class; health. At first I had been put into a PE class but my father warned me to switch out, it would had been too risky if I hadn't paid close enough attention and ran too fast or did something that the humans would consider 'out of the ordinary'.

I used my same trick of hiding my note in my class book as I read Bellla's reply.

That's fine if you want to come over after school. Edward is going with your father tonight so it shouldn't be too suspicious. I just really hope that you are being careful, this could be devastating for everybody.

Her reply was quick, but I wasn't expecting a lengthy letter anyways... but who was she to tell me to be careful? She was the reason why the wolves even transformed, she was the one that became friends with Jacob, while dating Edward... she was the reasoning for all of this... how was I so different?

I told Edward that I would give Bella a ride home since he was going to be leaving with my father, and even went as far as to tell him that I might be spending the night with her, though I wasn't sure... but told him either way I would be staying late and asked him to relay the message to my father. He complied, not thinking anything suspicous of it since there had been many nights that I had spent with Bella. He gave her a quick kiss on the temple before shutting the passenger door of my Mercedes for her and getting into his own car. I waved to my uncle before heading down the familiar road to Bella's house and, to my luck, Charlie was still at work.

"Did Jake say what time he would be meeting you here?" Bella asked as we made our way into her room.

"No, I'm not sure when he'll be here. He said he had to talk to Sam." Bella nodded her head, understanding.

She began to explain to me the rankings of the pack just as I heard a loud motorcycle pulling into the drive. I peaked my head out the window quickly to see Jacob sitting in the driveway, smiling and waving me down. Bella continued to lead me to the door to meet up with Jake.

"Thanks for agreeing to let her come over, Bells." Jake told Bella, with a look of sincerity and gratitude.

"I'll tell you the same thing I basically told her, Jake... and that's don't get caught." Bella told him sternly as I jumped on the back of the motorcycle behind him. Jake nodded towards Bella as I waved and he began to back out of the driveway.

"Put this on." he said, handing me a black helmet as we reached the end of the driveway.

"Where's yours?" I answered, rolling my eyes at how breakable he obviously thought I was.

"I'll be fine, you just put it on." and with that he sped quickly down the streets of forks... luckily Charlie wasn't around or he would have earned himself a hefty fine.

I didn't ask where we were heading, figuring that the safest place for us to be together incase we were seen would be La Push since none of my family could follow us there. Although, I must admit, I didnt think that anything would or could stop my father if he felt that he needed to get to me.

He slowed down as he began to pull into a driveway of what I could only guess was his house, and by the looks of it nobody was home. I got off of the back of the motorcycle first as he grabbed my hand, following suit.

"Sam will be meeting us here soon to talk to you..." he began, leading me inside his vacant house. I nodded, not sure if it would be good or bad for Sam to see me.

"Don't worry, it's going to be fine." he reasurred me.

He looked hesitant before pulling me into a hug and planting a soft kiss on my forehead. I smiled slightly as he pulled away quicky and asked me if I wanted anything to drink, which I declined.

"I'm not really sure when he's going to show up so..." he began, obviously not really sure of what to do next. "there isn't much to do around here... if I'm not with the guys I'm usually just helping my dad or working in my garage..." he continued.

I began to glance around the living room for ideas, we could't go anywhere because Sam was supposed to be showing up.

"How about we just watch a movie and wait?" I offered. He nodded, before leading me up the stairs.

"Well, this is my room..." he began, scratching the back of his head once again. "what would you like to watch?"

"Suprise me," I answered, sitting on his bed as he ran through his movie collection. He smiled mischieviously before popping Blade Trinity into the dvd player. "Ha-ha, very funny." I laughed, hitting his arm slightly as he sat down, it actually was kinda funny.

Without even a thought I cuddled into his side as we pressed our backs against the wall and he wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

- - - -

"...I know Jacob, but we have to be careful. I understand that we dont get to chose, but this breaks more rules than I can think of..."

There were whispers around me, I must had fallen asleep during the movie and Jacob hadn't woken me up for Sam's arrival.

"You're awake," he said, kissing my forehead as I wiggled around for a good stretch. "Jasmine, this is Sam." he introduced.

"Hello, again, Jasmine." I recognized him from my birthday party, he had been one of the wolves that had shown up with Jacob and Bella. "We were just going over a few things, obviously this is very new to you..." I nodded in agreement, this was very new.

"Well Jake, the rest of the guys are waiting for me so I guess we'll have to catch up more later. It was nice meeting you again, Jasmine." I nodded again as Sam got up to leave.

"Did I miss a lot?" I asked, turning to Jacob.

"Everything is going to be fine." Jacob answered, standind up and pulling me up with him. "Now, let's go find something to do!"
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