Status: for the sequel.

Dark Side of the Moon

"Everything's Going To Be OK, I Promise."

I went to school the next day and waiting around until lunch when I went looking to see if Jacob was stopping in again, but he never did. I hadn't talked to him since the email last night and I was growing anxious. Bella hadn't mentioned anything, although I hadn't tried striking up much of a conversation. Edward was back to school today and she spent most of her time with him so I was once again alone.

Matt had offered me some accompanyment in science but it still wasn't the same as if I could have been able to talk to Jacob... my Jacob. The bell rang for the end of school and I slowly made my way to the parking lot, feeling defeated when I realized that once again, he wasn't there.

My phone rang as it sat in the passenger seat next to me on my drive home, and I reached quickly over to reach it... it was Bella.

"hello?" I answered, holding the phone to my ear closely.

"Jasmine, it's Bella... Jacob came by to see if you were here..." I stomped on the breaks forcefully and spun the car around back towards Forks after telling Bella that I was on my way.

I saw Jacob's motorcycle in the driveway as I parked and made my way to the front of the house where Jacob was talking to Charlie about the 'bears' that had been sighted around town. He turned around, smiling at me as I made my way up the walk and greeted me halfway with a tight embrace.

"Hey," he whispered in my ear as he held me.

"Hey." I whispered back, smiling for the first sincere time all day.

I could tell that he wanted to talk to me, explain something.. but I knew he couldn't in front of Charlie.

"Would you mind if I stole your friend for a little bit?" Jacob asked Bella, who of course just rolled her eyes and shooed us off.

Jacob handed me the helmet once again and I jumped on the back of the motorcycle behind him, hearing Charlie's many exclamations of how unsafe we were being as we sped off down the road. Jacob was silent as I hung onto him comfortably, my head resting on his shoulder, both of us easing up as we crossed the treaty line.

Jacob slowed down, knowing that we werent at risk for exposure anymore and continued down a dirt road through La Push silently until we made it to one of the many beaches. He gave me his hand and helped me off of the motorcycle before dismounting it himself and taking my hand once again. I followed him down a sand trail to the beach hand in hand, completely engulfed in silence with the exception of the waves crashing down on the shore.

"The guys will be here in another hour or so, we were gonna have a campfire with a few other people from the reservation, but I wanted to bring you down first." Jacob explained, I nodded, grateful for the time alone with him finally. "I'm sorry it took me so long to contact you today, we've been busy...." he began, before I cut him off.

"I've heard rumors that people are starting to look for you guys, thinking you're bears..."

"They wont find us." Jacob said, smiling a little too confidently. It didnt phase my worry in the slightest, even if the people were our looking for bear and found the wolves, would they still not hunt them?

Jacob must have sensed my worry as he picked my chin up with his finger and forced me to look directly at him. "Jasmine, it's my job. But I promise that I'll always make it back for you." was all he said before I stood on my toes and kissed him for the first real time. We pulled away at the same time and he wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me into a tight and comforting hug as I looked out over the water.

Jacob went closer to the water, sitting in the sand and propping his back against a large rock on the shoreline. He tugged at my arm until I sat with him, resting my back on his strong chest and he was able to wrap his arms back around my waste and rest his chin on my shoulder from behind as he fiddled with my fingers.

At first we didn't say anything, we didn't need to really. The whole situation was calming, peaceful... and put us both at ease. I had never felt so comfortable and protected as I did at that moment.

"When you say you were working, what were you doing today?" I asked.. I wanted to know if he was in danger or if my worry was unneccesary.

Jacob sighed, unsure of just how much he should tell me, but I could tell he didn't want to keep anything from me either.

"There have been rumors about other.... lee- er...vampires.... coming towards Forks. We've managed to track one of them but we chased her over the treaty line, where we were stopped..." he stopped, obviously the only way he could have been stopped was if my family had gotten involved. "and so now we wait, Sam wants to arrange a meeting through Bella, which is why I stopped by today, for us to talk to the Cullen's. We need thier permission to broaden our territory, so to speak, so we can keep better track of her."

I nodded, I didn't want him chasing after vampires, and I knew which one he was speaking of. It was Victoria, my family had killed her mate when he had tried to kill Bella, and now she was back, just as we thought she would be. I remember seeing her all those months ago and how dangerous she truely was, not somebody that I would want my boyfriend trying to fight off.

Jacob sensed me becoming too quiet and new something was wrong so he pulled me tighter too him.

"Everythings going to be ok, I promise," he whispered in my ear before kissing the lobe softly.

Jacob's phone started ringing and he pulled it from his pocket, checking the name before answereing. I sat there as he talked to Bella, she apparently had talked to Edward and had arranged the meeting. Jacob kept nodding his head and talking in short, or one word, sentences. When he finally hung up he stood up, pulling me with him, and began brushing the lose sand off of the both of us.

"I'm so sorry, Jazz... but I have to get you back to Bella's. She told Edward about that Victoria and us wanting to arrange the meeting and of course he wants to get it over with as soon as possible since it involves his girlfriends safety... but I'm sure I'll see you tonight..,. it's just.."

"We wont really be able to talk, I know." my family would be there at the meeting also so me and Jacob would have to act like we barely even knew who eachother were... it would be hard, but we knew it would have to be like this, and we knew that this would only be the beginning.

We made our way back to the motorcycle and he sped back across the treaty line, dropping me off at my car. We had a quick kiss good-bye, he still had to go back to the pack and get everybody ready to go.... and I got in my Mercedes, hurrying home to get ready for the meeting in the woods.
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hey, I need more comments or I'm going to put this on Hiatus! please, I only ask for feedback. also, check out my Jasper stories... and I have a special suprise if anybody wants to make me a banner. =] comments comments comments = quick updates!