Status: Complete

Don't Forget


"David, look!" I squealed, "Jellyfish!"

"I shall call him Squishy and he shall be mine and he shall be my Squishy," David giggled.

"I wonder if they have Nemo on the pay-per-view at the hotel," I said, watching the jellyfish.

They seemed to be suspended, just hanging, in the crystal clear water. It was almost magical. That or I'm just easily amused. It's the latter, probably.

"I'm glad we saved the aquarium for last," David sighed contently, "It's always been my favorite."

And by now I'm sure you're good and confused. You're probably wondering about aquariums and jellyfish and such, and rest assured, I shall explain. It was our very last day and David wanted to take me to his very favorite place in Boston. The New England Aquarium. A little juvenile perhaps, but oh-so-fun. We'd been in Boston for an entire month and I felt like it was definitely a good way to end it.

David had to film Wizards of Waverly Place, so we couldn't stay longer, even though I wanted to. I really didn't want to face Kevin. I had actually enjoyed my time away from him, which was something I never thought I'd say. I was really reluctant to go back to California. I had a feeling reality was going to smack me in the face and I was not going to enjoy it.

"This was definitely the best vacation ever," I declared as I kicked off my converse.

"I agree," Davis smiled, stifling a yawn.

We were back in the hotel again. Unfortunately, Finding Nemo was not on pay-per-view. I know, very depressing. But we were really tired anyways so we decided going to bed was a good idea. We had to catch an early flight so rest would undoubtedly be helpful. Not that it was going to come easy or anything nice like that.

"We should just stay here," I sighed wishfully, snuggling into the bed.

"Just because you're going back doesn't necessarily mean you're going to have to deal with Kevin. You could get around it," David suggested.

"His brothers are my best friends," I pointed out.

"Get some sleep, Kevynn. You'll feel better about it in the morning," He mumbled and turned off the lights.

Guess what? I didn't feel better about it in the morning. I felt worse. I thought about it the whole plane ride home. I thought perhaps all hope was lost but then I thought of something. I could hate Kevin. It would be easy. If he ever entered my mind, so would anger. Romance would never be involved. And if Joe and Nick knew I hated Kevin they wouldn’t talk about him around me or anything like that. It seemed to be the perfect solution.

“You okay?” David asked, pulling me from my thoughts.

“Yeah,” I replied, realizing that we had just pulled up in front of my house.

“Want me to help you bring your stuff in? You seemed kind of zoned out before,” he smiled, waiting for my answer.

“I’ve only got two bags. I can handle it,” I told him, “They’re not that heavy.”

“Alright,” David said and reached across the center console to give me a hug.

“Call me,” I instructed as he popped the trunk open.

I grabbed my bags, waved at David as he drove off and trudged up to my front door. It was unlocked so I figured my mom must’ve been home. I set my bags in the foyer and walked into the kitchen, where I assumed she’d be. Unfortunately she wasn’t there. Someone else was.
♠ ♠ ♠
Finding Nemo is awsome. I had to throw that in there. And the aquarium really is one of my favorite places.

I have the next chapter written in my math notebook (I decided you guys were more important than notes) so now all I have to do is type it.