Status: Complete

Don't Forget


"Happy Monthaversary!" Mitchell crowed, shutting my front door with his foot.

He had his left arm wrapped around a bouquet of roses and there was a teddy bear in his right hand. My mom, smiling from ear to ear, left the room. I just sort of gawked. Could this boy possibly be anymore amazing?

"Monthaversary?" I asked, giggling slightly.

"Yes. We've been dating exactly a month. That's cause for celebration," He explained.

"I know that. I just thought guys weren't in to these sorts of things," I told him.

Mitchell grinned, "Maybe not. But their girlfriends probably aren't as beautiful as you."

"Thanks," I smiled back, taking the flowers from him.

We walked into the kitchen and I grabbed a vase from under the sink. As I turned on the tap to fill the vase, Mitchell wrapped his arms around my waist from behind, placing a chaste kiss on my cheek. Somebody cleared their throat behind us and Mitchell pulled away from me.

"Hey Mrs. Malone," he greeted my mother.

"Are you taking her out for dinner?" she asked.

"Yes M'am," Mitchell replied.

"I like him," my mom smiled, turning to face me, before leaving the room.

"Dinner?" I asked, having been caught unaware.

"Yup," he nodded.

"Wow," I mumbled, "I don't know what I did to deserve you. I guess I'm just lucky."

"No," Mitchell said softly, "I'm the lucky one."
♠ ♠ ♠
So really the only reason for this was to show that time has passed.
More tomorrow if your lucky.
